I can't believe this. <-- about relationship marketing

Published: Tue, 11/09/10

Greetings from Eric Wilkes,
I hope you are having a great start
to your week! Today I have a very
important message for you about
our industry. Hang on to your britches
because we're about to go for a ride
(this stuff gets deep, real deep)! 
You often hear that we are in the
'relationship' business, or 'relationship
marketing with a pay plan attached'
or some other load of BS. <-- Pardon my FRENCH!
If you buy into that crap, STOP RIGHT NOW!
I want you to understand something and I'm
going to be very CLEAR. In our industry,
'relationships' are built on TRANSACTIONS.
In other words, you don't have a real relationship
with someone until some sort of transaction has
taken place.
I have HUNDREDS of relationships (and I'm
sure you do too) and the FACT is, very few of
them actually make me money. Don't believe
that mumbo jumbo about being in the relationship
business! You'll spin yourself right out of business
faster than you can blink both eyes at the same time. 
Here's my point (follow me here), when someone
does a transaction with you, several things happen:
#1 - They've shown trust in YOU and that they believe
        that you can guide them in the direction they want to go.
#2 - You get a committment from them. 
#3 - You both now have a vested interest in the relationship
#4 - You gain loyalty
#5 - Your valuable time has been earned
#6 - They've shown they're a serious player (you gotta
        separate the winners from the whiners) 
#7 - You're now working with a fully qualified individual
So next time someone tells you that you're in the 'relationship
business' you can politely inform them that it's simply not
true. If you're in business for yourself you're in the transaction
business first as transactions are what ultimately make you
money. Then and only then do you have a relationship. For the
lack of a better term it's 'customer relationship business'.
I hope this makes sense to you and I truly hope you found it
valuable and beneficial to your life and your business. 
Have a great rest of the day!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - If I can help you or your business in anyway feel free
to click "reply" to this email and let me know how I can
help you. Give a brief description of your current situation
and let me know what you'd like most help with.