u quit?

Published: Tue, 11/23/10

Hey I heard you quit?
Every year about this time, people
quit working! Why? I don't really 
know! For the last 2 years in a
row, November and December
have always been my BEST 
months for making money!
People are like well-oiled money
machines. They're ripe and willing
to spend money like it's going out
of style. So don't quit, bust your
rear right through the holidays.
While others stop, I'm POURING
it on and reaping the benefits. This
time of year, people are the happiest
and looking to make a change.
It should be YOUR obligation to
help facilitate that change and help
someone out in any way you possibly 
I look at it like this, "I'm morally 
obligated and required to assist
those in need of a better life" and
I know that by helping 1 person at
a time, eventually I'll be able to help
the greater cause and influence
(soon to be MILLIONS) of lives.
I hope that you take it upon yourself
to take MASSIVE action over this
holiday season and inflence someone
new to partner up with you! After all,
a little extra money for the holidays
always helps!
Just a quick thought! see you soon!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - If I can help you get your biz to the next
level in any way, feel free to let me know...Yes
I'm a real person and I'm here to help. You can
call me direct at 480.273.7944. Leave me a 
message and say "Eric, I'd like to set a time
with you to discuss getting my business to
the next level" and I will promptly return your
PPS - To find out what I'm up to check out
http://www.speedwealthnow.com it's 13
minutes of pure gut wrenching truth about
our industry. If you're goin to set yourself
up for success, you gotta do it RIGHT!
Learn from my personal 7 figure mentor right now: