how "Solomon CEO" offers You a better way...

Published: Wed, 12/15/10

Do you ever feel like "getting ahead" is
really hard? Lots of people have actually
given up the idea that "getting ahead" is
even possible.

But, it doesn't have to be that way.

If you haven't seen it yet, my friend,
Mark Hoverson, created a unique project
called "Solomon CEO."

Let me explain why it's so unique.

When Mark was broke and qualifying for
food stamps, he had no business connections,
no real computer skills (he still doesn't
by the way...haha), and he admits he
was completely desperate.

So, here is where the story gets interesting.

He turned to King Solomon's words in the
Bible. And he say, "I would read a verse,
then close my eyes and imagine that verse
manifesting perfectly in my business."

S-N-A-P forward a few years...and Mark went
from the trailer park and qualifying for
food stamps to a position of high esteem,
high profits, fancy cars, and the whole

And now, he felt is was time to let the formulas
he discovered through his study of Solomon's
wisdom out to the world.

The "Solomon CEO" project is amazingly fresh
and practical (so fresh that the top publishing
agents are currently scrambling to entice Mark
to make this a main-stream it's sold
in Barnes and Nobles, Borders, Amazon, everywhere).

People are being re-inspired and deeply educated
into the wisdom of the wisest and richest King who
ever live, Solomon.

It's amazing to read the stellar comments people
are leaving after they watch the videos. So here
is what you must do now: If you are keeping your
options open to RADICALLY shift your lifestyle &
business to the next level in 2011 and beyond, go
to the website below and watch all 3 pre-training
videos ALL THE WAY THROUGH. They are that important.

Don't miss one of them. Print out the zero-cost action
guides and follow along. Why am I so adamant about
you taking massive action on this today?

Because this project is limited to only 300 people
maximum. And there are over 100,000 people being mailed
emails for this project right now. So I want you to
get in all the freebie stuff now, and see if you experience
that "gut-feeling" about the "Solomon CEO" project like
I do. Okay, go watch all 3 videos NOW:

To your success,
Eric Wilkes video one, Mark takes one of Solomon's
teachings and applies it so sharply you might just
feel a poke when you watch it. Kidding. But, wait
until he PROVES to you (through the action guide)
that your prospects for the future are WAY WAY WAY
brighter than you realize right now. You just got
to watch this first video: