I'm throwing in the towel!? << (this is deep)

Published: Thu, 12/16/10

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
Now that I have your attention I
want to go deep, very deep with
you so stick with me for a few
minutes (it's a very important
Too often do I see people just on
the edge about to have their 
breakthrough moment and they
throw in the towel too soon. It 
continues to boggle my mind,
maybe you can answer that
question for me better than I can.
Lets face it, in this down right 
Sh*** (<< Yes, I'm bleeping out the
curse word, you fill in the blank)
economy, RETIREMENT is NOT an
option for most people.
For the people who are able to
retire, they are more than likely
so filthy RICH that by the time they
get around to taking retirement they'll
be so bored after the first week 
they'll go right back to work or build
another business. For the other 97.9%
that's not an option.
I look at it like this (thanks to the 4
Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
for opening up my eyes on this subject),
Retirement is nothing more than a
worst-case-scenario insurance.
Why? because it's only needed if
you are PHYSICALLY incapable
of working and need a reservoir
of capital to survive. That means
you are likely spending your time
during your physically most capable
years doing something you probably
don't like.
Then there's that inflation thing. Think
about it, even if you have a MILLION
dollar retirement plan it would be 
hard to survive during the "GOLDEN
YEARS" if your buying power was
decreased 2-4% year after year. Not
to mention the fact your retirement could
span 20-30 years. I don't know about
you but I plan on living to be at least
120!!!! (only joking of course but it
starts to make reality settle in doesn't
it?) The fact is, you would be forced
to lower you standard of living and
who in the world would want to do that?
In today's world, the NUMBERS just
don't match up. So it's up to you
to stand up and take ACTION.
If you're ready for a better life then
it's time to step up and do something
about it. What are you waiting for?
If not now, when?
I understand the timing is never
right, it's never going to be. If
you know what you want, then you
know what you want...go GET it!
Keeping telling yourself "I'll get there
one day" and I promise it will never
happen. Don't be one of those people
who lets life pass them by then
decides to take action. Do it now
and Move your life forward. You
can change, modify and update
your course along the way.
Alright I'm probably going to deep
for some of you, but I think you get
the point. For some of you who've 
been following me the past couple
of years, I hope this hit you where it
counts...and I truly hope that you
do something about it!
Take action and call me immediately
and lets come up with a game plan
for you.
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - If you're ready to move your
life into the next level, I'm looking
for 2 new people who want to be
trained and mentored into a 6
figure earner in the next 90-180
days, this is first come first served
and strictly limited to 2 people.
PPS - here's what you need to do
right now, and I wouldn't dilly dally
around either >> click "REPLY"
to this email and simply put 
"COUNT ME IN" along with your
best CONTACT number and I'll
call you to discuss details as soon
as possible.
PPPS - If you aren't ready to take massive
action don't click reply, it's for serious,
fast acting, smart marketers who are
a ready to do something with their
life and finally own YOUR time so
you can live life the way you want
to live it. If that's not you, I understand.
PPPPS - If you're down here still reading
you should click "REPLY" immediately
before you lose your chance to be get
TRUE mentorship and guidance from a
small group of 6 and 7 figure earners.