What's your ultimate motivation?

Published: Tue, 02/15/11

Motivation is sometimes hard
to find, it requires you to reach
DEEP, real deep! It really 
defines who you are and
ultimately what you're made
of. I was talking with one of
my mentors the other day
and he asked me if I ever
had self-doubt and I replied
"Of Course I do, but it's only
temporary, never long-term
and I'm always quick to respond
with a positive upbeat attitude!"
TRUE motivation does NOT allow
you to give up and throw in the towel.
Sure, we go through short periods
of self-doubt every once in a while,
but when you reach deep down
inside and remind yourself why
you are here and what you're truly
attempting to accomplish you'll
quickly erase the self-doubt
and hop right back on track
in a matter of seconds!
If you missed the short
inspirational video I previously
sent, check it out below as
it will brighten your day and
force you to reach for some
serious motivation. It
takes exactly 79 seconds to view:
Life is full of surprises, good days
and bad days but if you know
beyond a shadow of a doubt that
you believe in yourself, nothing
can stop you.

I can promise you this, at the
end of the day...after all the 
blood, sweat and tears...and
after the dust settles...the grass
is truly greener on the other
side which will make it ALL
Just look at what the successful
guys in the following video had
to go through to get where
they are! Now that's what I call
MOTIVATION. Go ahead and click
the think below to view the video now -->
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - True motivation comes from
within!, There's no one but YOU
that is in control! I would advise
you to take  79 seconds of your life
right this very instant and get yourself
inspired, click the link >> 