Overcoming your fears << going, going, GONE!

Published: Wed, 01/12/11

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
The next 3 minutes of reading
this email could prove to be the
most important thing you've possibly
ever read so be sure you take the
time to read it word-for-word as I
talk about dealing with your fears.
I know it's one of the toughest things
to do in life but you must learn to
overcome your fears or at least
get really good at managing them.
Especially if you are going to become
independently wealthy in all areas and
aspect of your life, not just financially.
Think of thrill seekers for just a second.
You don't think skydivers a bit nervous
for a split second before jumping
out of a plane? Or riding a brand new
roller-coaster for the first time? Or going
hang-gliding off a 1200ft cliff? Thrill
seekers are really good at managing
their fears.
The reality in life is that most people will
choose unhappiness over uncertainty.
After all, it's been forced into our blood
and veins our whole lives. Society tells
us to "get a good education" so you 
can "get a good job" and have a certain
future. But we all know times are different
and nothing is certain about a job or even
the economy anymore. I know one thing
for sure though and that's YOU are in
control of your OWN destiny (and your own
Just ask yourself this, If your lifestyle is on
a scale of 1-10, 1 being nothing and 10
being permanently life changing would
you be willing to risk a temporary 3 or 4
for a probable, even permanent 9 or 10?
Worst-case scenario, you can always go
back to the current lifestyle you have 
right now. Bottom line, there's absolutely
ZERO risk and only mega-HUGE, 
life changing, epiphany type stuff,
upside potential.
If you're one those people who 
keep telling yourself things will
get better over time, you're mistaken.
you MUST take action. You're only
kidding yourself if you think it's just going
to happen and it's time to stop and plan
for a LEAP in the realm of the scary
unknown, please excuse my humorous
sarcasm yet serious rant. The reality
is you need to get off your A-S-S and
do something, take control of your life
and your future.
If you're scared, trust me when I say I
understand...When I first got started
I thought "Who's goin to listen to me?"
I was the scared little kid who always
sat in the back of the room, never 
said anything or did anything. I realized
that it was never going to get me 
anywhere and was quite simply a dead
end. I look at it like this, "FEAR
is nothing more than EXCITEMENT in
need of an attitude adjustment!". Once
you learn to control it, eventually you can
overcome it completely.
Don't try to dodge the bullets and put
things off, there's 101 reasons not to do
something, just pick one and you're right.
Don't be one of those people who chooses
unhappiness over uncertainty. 
After all, if we define risk as "the likelihood
of an irreversible negative outcome" and you
can project your life out 10 years from now,
knowing that it's a road of let down and regret,
then taking NO ACTION is the single BIGGEST
risk of all.

I truly hope that you learn to manage your
fear and move your life forward. You owe
to yourself to do so. 
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes