staying in the loop...

Published: Thu, 02/24/11

Greeting again from Eric Wilkes.
If you missed my email from last
night about securing a free coaching
session and working with me personally
I wanted to make sure you had the chance
before I close the window.
See below.
Subject: Free Coaching Session << (For a Limited TIME)
Greetings my friend, it's me Eric.
I hope you've had a great week
so far. I know I've been crazy
busy working on some marketing
stuff and testing new ways of
driving leads for my business.
It looks promising but hey, you
don't know until you try! The only
way to win is to step up to the plate
and swing the bat hoping for a
base hit. In the business world, it's
called progress.
I get FED-UP with all this attraction
marketing mumbo jumbo. In order
for it to work properly you must take
some sort of action and move toward
the other person FIRST and then, if
and ONLY if the 2 of you are a match,
will you naturally gravitate toward each
If you think you can throw up a facebook
page or a lead capture website and people
will be attracted to you, you better think
again. That's why I LOVE, PMA or
P.aid M.edia A.dvertising. It gives me the
leverage of automation by me positioning
myself in front of my target audience and
thus gravitating toward them first. If there's
a fit, I know my prospects will begin to 
gravitate in my direction and ultimately
allow me to guide them down the path in
which I want them to go. I hope you're
starting to get the picture.
So this weekend I'll be testing a new
system for driving leads, don't worry
I'll let you know how it's going. I'm 
guessing we will land somewhere
between 50-100 leads over the
weekend when we go live. Even if
it's half that, they will be my leads
generated by me so I will own them.
No one can compete with you if you
own the leads, it's the best type of
lead you can find. Not to mention
they will have to take some pretty 
serious action before I even speak
with them! So the ones we do receive
will be pre-qualified! :)
Bottom line, if you're not taking action
and systematizing your marketing
automation, get with the program quickly
so you can create some immediate 
cash flow.
If I can help you systematize your business,
you can secure a FREE 30min coaching
session with me by filling out an application
here >>
I must give you a WARNING though, you'll
probably learn more about marketing and
growing a successful business in 30 minutes
with me than you've learned in the last 6
months. I don't do this very often so take
advantage and fill out the application right
Have a great rest of your week!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - I'm throwing out 30 mins of my time
to meet and work with you personally, that's
easily a $249 value. If you're not happy with
the direction of your current business, I'm
MORE than happy to help point you in the 
right direction. Secure your free coaching
session now by completing the application
here >>
I personally look forward to working with you.