staying in the loop

Published: Wed, 03/23/11

Greetings from the desert of Arizona.
I've got an important message today, it's mid-week
and we're on the downhill stretch to the weekend.
I've been relaxing and trying to get a little sun
so I'm somewhat tan before I go on vacation.
Although some would argue that living in
Arizona is a vacation. I just have a quick
story I want to share with you and it's really
So I got that chance to meet some new
friends this past week and be a part of
introducing them to bird hunting (yes I
shoot birds, and I eat them too, but only
specific types), on this particular trip we
were hunting pheasant on a preserve just
south of Phoenix. If you don't like hunting
that's for another time, there's an important
message within, keep reading...
We had a newly trained bird dog, a lab/poodle
mix and 2 brand new guys hunting
live birds for the first time. It was exciting
because I had the opportunity to help
introduce them to the outdoors and new
experiences. And don't worry, for safety,
we only allowed them one shell or bullet at
a time while the rest of us stood behind and
the more experienced shooters acted as
back up shooters who are all trained and
safe as possible.
We managed to get 10 birds to fly
and only managed to take home 3
of them which is more than enough to
feed a family! Bottom line, we only
had a 30% success rate. The 2 new
guys were unsuccessful all together.
When the hunt was over I asked them
"Did you enjoy the experience?" and
they both replied with an excited "YES!,
we wanna do it again!" I politely replied
and said "Well boys, welcome to hunting,
you're more unsuccessful than you are 
successful!" And it's so true, ask any
The moral of the story is that this little
adventure reminded me of what it takes
to be truly successful in ANYTHING. Along
the way you are going to FAIL more times
than you are going to succeed but those
few times that you do succeed are in 
LEAPS and BOUNDS. Hunting is no
different than success, you fail many times
but the few times you succeed, you can
feed your family, sometimes for months
at a time.
The question becomes more about YOU
than anything else. Are you willing to bust
your ASS, get rejected time and time again
only to succeed a few times?  If you answered
YES!, Those few times that you succeed
will change your life and your bottom line
dramatically in a very short period of time.
As one of my best mentors says
"Fail FAST AND FURIOUS" so you
get it out of the way. There's no since
in prolonging the inevitable. You're
going to be successful and you're
going to fail along the way. Once you
accept that, it will make a huge difference.
So I hope that you'll find this email
valuable and beneficial to your life
and to your business. Keep pushing
yourself and keep trying, you'll breakthrough
faster than you think!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS >> In lieu of March madness I'm going
to give you a FREE 1 hour coaching
session with me, easily a $500 value
but you must request it here
Please give me 24hrs for a response.
In this coaching session we will:
- Devise an action plan to get your business on the right track
- Cut through the  crap so we get you to the money faster
- Discuss any topic you desire or would like help with
- Come up with a lead generation strategy for your business
- Mastermind different ideas that could lead to breakthroughs
- Revise your current marketing funnel so it pulls more leads
- Go over the (BRUTALLY) honest truth about becoming successful
- And time permitting, write some good ADs for your business
fill out the app here >>