overcoming my fear of calling leads (a short story)

Published: Fri, 03/11/11

Greetings from Phoenix!
Instead of sitting out and enjoying
some sun like I usually do on Friday,
I'm in the office working today! I'm
pumped because we're continuing to
test some new leads so I will be
calling all of them today! :)
I love calling leads because they
usually don't expect a phone call
so you kind of catch them off guard
and because we generated them
they're receptive to whatever I
have to say. Plus, I enjoy the
challenge and love meeting new
people so it adds to the fun!
It wasn't always that easy for me
though, I used to have SUPER
sweaty palms and a nervous/
shaky voice. I HATED calling
leads but I forced myself to do
it! It's just like riding a bike, you
get better with time and once
you know what you're doing
you never forget. As much as I
hated it, I finally got over it.
I (like most people) feared the
phone. The thought of it made me
cringe...but I knew one thing and
that is by calling leads I knew the
only way I could fail was if I  was
purely lazy and just didn't call them.
I knew as a business that it was
a sustainable model because the
telephone has worked as a
marketing device for the last 100+
years and will continue to work
for the next 100. It's not going 
anywhere anytime soon and
no one else is calling their leads
because they got spoiled by the
The take away with this story is
if you don't have a big email list
with THOUSANDS of people on
it, you GOTTA call your leads! If
you don't, you're leaving cold hard
cash on someone else's table.
People today are hungrier than
ever and they need direction, they
need a leader! It main as well be
you! So pick up the phone and
call! Don't be scared, what's the
worst thing that could happen?
They hang up on you or vice
versa? Who cares, NEXT! There
are MILLIONs of people who are
eager to speak with you! As soon
as you realize that, your business
will explode.
The year is flying by fast and you
aren't getting younger so stop
crossing your fingers and hoping
that it will work. Get out there and
make it happen! It's up to you!
I'm outta here, time to call my leads!
Enjoy your weekend!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - >> If you aren't sure of what
to say as you begin to call your
leads feel free to connect with
me personally and I'll coach you
on your approach in 15 minutes
or less. This 15mins could cause
you to close more business in
the next 30 days than you did
in the last 6  months alone!
>> http://www.ericwilkes.net/leadership/