Have you figured this out yet?

Published: Wed, 03/30/11

Good morning from Eric Wilkes.
Have you figured out the #1 rule
in business? If not, here it is,
know it's obvious right? but it's
also a bit tricky when you think
about it.
You have to invest money and
advertise to grow your business.
So how do you know you're
spending money in the right
places to keep you from losing
This is where it can get kind of
tricky or grey for a lot of people,
especially beginners or the
"budget minded" entrepreneur.
There are several factors and
variables that go into this, but
here my thoughts (for what it's worth,
after all, my team and I have only
been able to generate in excess of
$3MILLION in sales in the last 23
#1 - Sell a product that has a HIGH
profit margin. This leaves a little
room for error and testing to see
what sort of advertising is going to
#2 - Partner with someone who
has experience! Ask them where
they are advertising and how much
to spend so they remain profitable.
This is key and will save you A LOT
of time and headaches as it comes
to paid media advertising. It will
also help get your creative juices
flowing as it relates to writing ads
and how to measure your ROI with
your marketing campaign.
#3 - Tweak, sharpen, zero-in,
stream line, and then test again. The
marketing game never ends, keep
striving to be better. Once you have
a steady flow of cash, it gets a bit
easier to venture into the realm of
the unknown and test new ways to
market your product or opportunity.
Whether you like it or not, the world
we live in revolves around money so
in order to make it, you have to spend
it. The economy is tough right now and
people are holding onto their money
which causes their business to STALL
out. This leads to even LESS money,
eventually frustration and ultimately
tossing in the towel. Don't be scared to
spend a few hundred bucks on some
advertising (especially if you're selling
a high profit margin item) it will get you
to the money MUCH faster.
Venture out, try new things and grow
your business!
If I can personally assist you in putting
together your first marketing campaign,
don't be afraid to pick up the phone
and call me at the number below. I
am a real person and I do answer 
my phone / return calls. Please leave
me a message and state "Hey Eric,
I'd like some help with a marketing
campaign please return my call
at ###-###-#### between the hours
of BLANK and BLANK" don't forget
to include your timezone and I will
promptly return your call.
I look forward to personally connecting
with you!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS >> If you'd prefer a no BS,
hit you where it counts coaching
session you can secure it
here >> http://www.ericwilkes.net/leadership/
Fair warning though, I will be honest,
brutally honest, so if you're not prepared
to hear the truth about your business,
don't waste your time or mine.