Final chance! Before facebook overload is gone!

Published: Sat, 04/09/11

If you missed my email yesterday, 
I begged and pleaded with Michelle
and she graciously allowed us 1 
final day to grab her Facebook Marketing
Overload. This will literally be coming off
the shelf and the price will be going to
$297 in a matter of HOURS!
You can watch my exclusive interview
with her and decide if this is for you. 
Talk soon,
Eric Wilkes
PS - below is a copy of the email I sent
yesterday if you happened to miss it...
Subject: Exclusive interview with Michelle << Facebook guru
Greetings, Eric Wilkes here.
If you've been getting my emails the
past couple of days about Facebook
marketing, today is the final day before
it goes off the market.
I had to literally twist Michelle's arm but
I landed an exclusive interview with her
and negotiated a sneak peek inside
her new product so you can see real 
numbers and real results!
Check out the interview here >>
If you want to manife$t dollar$ on faceb$$k, and actually
learn how to ride the facebook beast into your dream
lifestyle, then get to my grilling interview with Michelle
right now!
Believe me when I say I didn't think Facebook was
possible. I didn't believe in the Facebook business
model! But Michelle has proven me ALL WRONG 
and I will be the first to admit that!
Erase the distractions, grip your eyes and ears, and
tune into the exclusive interview as Michelle reveals
what it takes to make Facebook marketing work 
to your advantage!
Click below and watch the interview right away >>
Have a great weekend!

Eric Wilkes
PS - As an added bonus, I will do a 20minute
live coaching session with you on how to contact
your leads as you begin generating them yourself!
This 20 minute session helped Michelle reach out
to her leads and close more sales in a week than
she did all of last month!