did you see this?

Published: Mon, 04/25/11

Just in cased you missed my
email this afternoon, I wanted
to resend it. See below.
Talk soon,
subject: Check out this powerful video...
Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend
and enjoyed your Easter Sunday! I
had a relaxing weekend camping in
the wilderness, enjoyed a little
fishing and some cooler weather
in northern Arizona, no phone, no
internet, nothing to think about! It
was a nice little escape to recharge
the batteries!
Since it's Monday, the day most people
have to wake up and face reality and go
back to a job, I wanted to take a minute
and share something very powerful
with you and who knows, maybe even
brighten your day!
I've put together a very special 12 minute
video I think you'll find very interesting. Click
the link to below to check it out now >>
In 12 minutes you will discover:
- Why it's not your FAULT you haven't seen success
- The BIG movement and what it means to you
- 7 secrets to setting yourself up for success
- 2 crucial things that will get your biz off to a fast start
- The exact step-by-step blueprint I personally use for my biz
- And a lot more
It's seriously a jam-packed video and might
possibly be the most important presentation
you've seen online to date. I'm not sure how
long I will leave this up, so I wouldn't dilly-dally
around on this, click the link to watch the video
right away >> http://modernmlmsecrets.com/the-formula.htm

I'll see you there!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - This just might possibly be the most
revealing, down and dirty video you've ever
seen online. You deserve a better life, and
in this video, I'm going to show you a proven
road map, a blue-print for success to get you
to that better life. Check it out now,
>> http://modernmlmsecrets.com/the-formula.htm
PPS -  If you have any questions at anytime,
feel free to call me direct at 480.442.4380. I
want you to understand that I'm a real person
and I do answer my phone. Simply leave a
message and I will return your call promptly!
I look forward to working with you.