Got traffic?

Published: Fri, 05/06/11

Happy Friday! I hope you have a great weekend! I'll
be hopping on the plane tomorrow morning to head
to San Diego for the event of the year,
the "UNSTOPPABLE Entrepreneur" seminar! I'll keep
you updated via video throughout the weekend!
Just a real quick note today...
If you're marketing online, there's ONE core thing
that is required for your business, TRAFFIC...and
LOTS of it.
Traffic = Prospects = CASH In The Bank
My first several years I operated (more like "took a
whoopin'") online, I got my lunch handed to me...I
bought practically every "latest and greatest" tool,
website and "secret" I could get my hands around.
Sadly, during my "experimental process" I put my self
into debt to the tune of about $60,000.00.  Mostly
because I didn't understand the nuts and bolts of how
the Internet really worked...all the "gurus" made it sound
so easy...just "do this" and "do that" and poof, your bank
account would get flooded with cash.  LOL...SO NOT TRUE.
The good news is that once you learn how to drive
prospects to your capture page and learn how to quickly
build relationships with them, you can literally write your
own check.
Most people (at least initially) hop online, get a website
via the company they're with and sit back waiting for
leads and signups. If it only worked this way!
The truth of the matter is that you need a system...
something that consistently brings in fresh targeted traffic...
every day. A system like MLSP...
That's one of the reasons I put so much attention into my
emails like this one, on my blog about getting traffic
and the overall anatomy of how the Internet works.
Without traffic, we really don't have an online business.  
One of the people online I trust whole-heartedly is none other
than Mark Hoverson.  He doesn't offer BS products, he's a
straight shooter, he's out on the front line every day like you
and I and most importantly...HE'S DOING THE VERY
That's a biggie...a lot of "gurus" hear something at a
conference or read a blog post and create a product that
revolves around a concept they've never actually done
themselves.  It stinks, but that's the reality....    ;(
Anyway, I jumped into MLSP shortly after he encouraged
me to do so and it ROCKS.
Anyone who's marketing online needs to to be a part of this
It's plum full of juicy ideas that WORK that you can start
implementing TODAY.
All the best,
Eric Wilkes
P.S.  - Inside MLSP you will find our very own private
mastermind group where you can connect with me
personally along with other like minded individuals from
the group. This is a great way to ramp up your game and
take your business to the next level!
P.P.S. - It's very rare that I recommend a system like
this, so don't take it lightly. I wouldn't be letting you know
about it unless it was rock solid. Take the time, click the
link to watch the video, then call me directly [480.442.4380]
so we can take your game to the next level.
Don't pass this by >>