yo, check it out >>

Published: Thu, 05/19/11

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
So I'm here in Phoenix on a private
2 day mastermind with some of my
fellow teammates where we're
planning out the rest of our year. We're
masterminding our world take over
in reality! haha
I spent yesterday working with one
of my top teammates Michelle A/P
and we managed to rake in
another $2K in commissions for
her just by teaming up on the phones
I'm pumped now more than ever
because I know we're setting up for
an incredible summer. This my 3rd
live event in the past 3 weeks! 
I'll keep you posted over the next 
couple of days on what we come up
with. I've never been a part of such a
big mastermind group so I'm sure
there will be some major breakthroughs
made this weekend. You never know
what may come up.
Speak more soon,