confession for you...

Published: Fri, 06/03/11

Greetings again from Eric Wilkes,
I got some responses from people who
Really resonated with my first email, I
was unsure of the direction my business
was going. Well, I have a confession:
It actually was a lot worse than I shared.
You see, I wasn't sure of where my
business was going and the money coming
in continued to decline. I'd like to say I felt self-assured
And confident that I was going to be able to pull
myself out of the fear and pain. I'd like to say that
I was just a ball of courage who was eager to be
The hero to my family. But the truth is darker than
That. I was scared badly.

Why? Because I just didn't KNOW the inside tips
and tricks of how to get to the next level of success.
N-O-B-O-D-Y Ever took me by the hand and just
said, "Do this, Not that" until I reached success.

I don't know where you are at right now with your
finances or your dreams. But I know that I put my
dreams on the backburner for years because I didn't
have any legitimate reason to bother dreaming.

But, here's what I discovered: it was NOT my Fault.
I had just NEVER been shown the way. I was never
really plugged into anything special.

Well, as you probably read in the last couple emails,
I am doing something VERY special for 7 unique people
on my list. If you've struggled to figure out how to actually
make the ca$hflow with your computer...guess what?

It's not YOUR fault!

You just haven't been shown the right info.
You just haven't been given the right leadership.
You just haven't been a part of an insider's mentoring club.

If you haven't gotten on my waiting list to discover the
unreal bonuses and advantages I'm giving to just 7 total
people (over 2500 people are getting the email by the way),
Your time is running out. Follow the directions exactly
to guarantee your spot on the waiting list, by clicking
the link below >>
Best to you,
Eric Wilkes

Ps...if you've been out of town or haven't been able to read my
opening email about this special project I'm releasing to just 3
people, here is another copy of the first email below:
Subject: You = pivotal, life turning point? Let me explain...
Greetings from Eric Wilkes,
Did you catch my last email? Others did!

The full bonuses, and vision will be released VERY soon.
Here's a "replay" of yesterday's hot email in case you
Missed it.

Subject: You = pivotal, life turning point? Let me explain...
Greetings from Eric Wilkes,
Did you catch my last email? Others did!

The full bonuses, and vision will be released VERY soon.
Here's a "replay" of yesterday's hot email in case you
Missed it.

Subject: You = pivotal, life turning point? Let me explain...
Greetings from Eric Wilkes,
This could be a huge week for you.
The kind of week you look back on as
a pivotal turning point in your life.

I know that's a big promise. But I can deliver.
Stick with me for 3 minutes. I'll explain:

Just 9 short months ago, I had a serious
crisis in my life. Without going into the full
drama, I wasn't sure where I was going
with my business. I realized I wasn't heading
the direction I truly wanted to go. And honestly,
I felt stuck, scared, and lonely. It actually made
Me dizzy to think about how out of control my
Life was at that time.

But in the midst of that, I surrounded myself
with true FRIENDS and MENTORS in the
marketing industry who gave me some
guidance and pointed me in the right direction!
At that time, I was looking for something and
sometimes you just open your eyes for
A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G that could work.

Well, all I can tell you right now is: IT WORKED.

And right now my life is has completely changed 100%.
I'm going to be upfront. I worked hard. I spent over $60K
in the last 4 years just  trying to figure out how to make
m.oney online. And finally, I cracked the code with this
unique system and team. For the first time in my life, I
can actually rake in ca$h on complete autopilot. It feels
so liberating. Wait till you experience it.
And I'm actually planning my 2nd dream vacation to
Hawaii to zip line, go 4 wheeling and kayaking...It was
such a blast the first time, I just HAVE to do it again!
Plus, because of the secret mon.ey system I use, I'm
feel rejuvenated and able to start dreaming again.
It feels like the world sucker-punched me when
I realized my already successful 6 figure business started
going downhill, but now I feel strong and energized again.
Point Blank: I've got to share this with you.

So, right now, to celebrate the 9 month anniversary,
I'm doing something really unique.

I'm going to give 7 people.
And o-n-l-y 7 a major advantage that
I wish I had when I started. I am going to lavish mentoring
bonuses that will literally knock your socks off.

But here's the problem, I have over 2,500 people getting
this email. And my special Mentoring bonuses are only
going to 7.

Why? Because when you see the bonuses, and the value, and
The guidance I am going to provide these 7 people,
you will understand immediately how expensive in time and money
these new partners are going to cost me. I used to flip through
magazines that were trying to sell small dorky little franchises (like
ice cream or vending routes) for up to $10,000. When you see the
program and potential I am sharing with these 7 people, you will see
 it blows those little ideas out of the water (and it surely doesn't cost

I am not able to give any more details right now.

But, I have created a special waiting list for you. Once you are
on the waiting list, you will Get absolute first grabs. And priority
notice on the bonuses And the vision for this very special situation.

To get on the waiting list, follow these directions exactly
by clicking the link below >> 
***Please note, because of the amount of people getting on the list,
please do not take it personally if I don't respond to you privately
within 24 hrs. I promise I will carefully read every application sent
to me and you will get first-priority information. However, I cannot
promise I will be able to personally reply to your email. ; )

As a member on this waiting list, I will give you special
early-bird access to see the bonuses and potentially get
first-grabs at one of the seven spots.

Don't delay, I have serious vision and strategy to share with
these 7 people. If you are ready to be first-in-line
to hear about all the details. Get on the waiting list now:  

Connect soon,
Eric Wilkes

Ps...once you are on that waiting list, keep your eyes peeled to my emails for the next few days. I've got some really explosive stuff to show you. Like I said, the next few days could be some of the most life-changing E-V-E-R. You'll see what I mean.
Get on that waiting list by following the directions exactly, after you click the link below: >>