The important things in life...

Published: Mon, 06/06/11

So i just got back from spending a
week in Pennsylvania where my sister
got married to her new husband. It was
The first time I've have been on a family
Vacation in 12 years! I'm mean parents
and grandparents from both sides of the
family. The most important thing in life
is family. I can't remember the last time
I got to hang out with my grandparents
so that made it extra special. It was
great to be able to have some real deep
conversations and catch up with everyone.

I wish everyone from our family could have
made it but with the expense of traveling,
kids, etc some couldn't make it. That
really made me appreciate what the online
biz world has been able to do for me and
my business partners who have made it all
possible. If it weren't for this industry I
know for a fact i wouldn't have been able
to afford to get there myself! I spun myself
into $60k of credit card debt trying to
figure this online marketing thing and
could barely afford basic living expenses.

But then something happened, a
breakthrough and in less than 12 months
I was able to pay all the debt off! I know
that sounds crazy but it happened. So what
does all of this mean to you? It means that
through my trial and error you don't have
to go through what i did to get where i am.
It means that no matter how bad you think
things are, we can turn them around and
quickly get you on the right track.

Life is too short to be anything but happy
so for the first time ever I'm opening up
my personal vault of secrets and for a
select few we will work together side
by side. You will have the knowledge,
the skill set, and all the mentorship you
can get. You can do anything your heart
desires and if you've got a BIG enough
reason WHY i know we can make it
happen in the next 6-12 months.

So here's what you need to do right
now in order to take advantage of
my personal vault of secrets, click
the link below and complete the
application >>

Once there you will be placed on my
priority notification list where you
will receive VIP access before anyone

I've never been so excited or passionate
about something. I've never done anything
like this. Im literally opening the flood
gates and making myself available to you
at your will. Don't miss your chance to
take advantage, complete you VIP
application right away! Go ahead
and click the link below...

I look forward to personally connecting
with you very soon!

To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes

PS - this could very well be the single
most important decision of your life,
I would encourage you to take swift
action and complete your application
right now >>

The important things in life will slip
away before you know it. That is
something you can never get back,
start changing your life now.