Are you a leader?

Published: Mon, 06/20/11

So I started reading again and I picked
up a book called "The Art of Leadership"
by J. Donald Walters. I got a TON! right
out of the first few pages so I decided to 
sum it up and share it with you.
I've always known that true leaders care
more about OTHERS than they do 
themselves. They put other people first!
It's about sacrifice and  going the extra mile
above and beyond. I know that if I fail, then
100s of people around me fail too! True
leaders can be counted on and expected
to succeed (although there are always bumps
in the road).
As the book says, "Many aspire to leadership,
but few understand its true nature." It's not
how big your ego can be or how good you think
you are, none of that matters. Having a vision
and instilling your message in others to inspire
them and move them is what matters. Support
those around you and you will go far! Once you
accept that responsibility, life goes to a whole
new height, I can personally guarantee that!
So I challenge you to step up to the plate, take
the initiative and become a leader. Pave the way
for others and pull them, don't push them to come
with you. You build it, and they will come.
That's just a few tidbits I got from the first 3 pages
so I look forward to sharing more as I continue
To your success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - if you missed my email last week, see
below >>
Subject: YOU = The perfect recruiter
Think about this..
What would be different in your life
if you were adding 5 new associates
a month, every month into your business?
What if that number was 10?
Would you have more time...more freedom
in your life?
Maybe fire your boss, grab that new boat you've
been eying up.  Maybe pull the trigger on that new
house your wife's been dreaming about....
To be a perfect recruiter, you need the perfect system.
It doesn't have to be painful and filled with rejection
to build your team.
Stop making lists of your warm market and handing
out product samples by the droves.
Those techniques were fine and dandy 20 years ago,
but now there's a much easier way to make things happen... 
You need the perfect system - it's right here.

All the best,
Eric Wilkes
PS - People fail, system don't, click the link right
now and learn how you can quickly and easily
become the perfect recruiter >>