Cashing in on YOUR brand! << important, read now

Published: Tue, 06/21/11

Greetings from Michelle and Eric.

Whew....I, Michelle, just got back from a trip
to Arkansas where my two girls
swam in a open swim meet. It was
well worth the trip because the
raked in the wins for the team!

Now, I am off to speak at a social
media event for a bunch of lady
entrepreneurs and am excited.

I will be talking about personal branding
which reminded me of an email Eric and I got this
morning from Katie Freiling letting us know we
are in the TOP 10 for the most referrals! Thanks
to you! 
So here's the deal, because we are
currently in the top 10, we'd like to
make one last PUSH to make it into the
top 5 so if you help us WIN we are
going to go ABOVE and beyond with some
killer bonuses for the next 5 action takers.

Check out the video here>>
On top of what you see in the video, we will
each send out 1 email promoting YOUR
personal brand, combined that's over 6,000
potential exposures for YOU! With our
endorsement, that's easily a $497 value and
it's YOURS for helping us WIN! This alone
is guaranteed to jump-start your personal
brand and get you off to a fast start!

Katie's Cash In On You Course will be
closing on Wednesday.  It's time for you
to Cash in on your personal branding.
If you haven't yet, you can check it out here:
https://katiefreiling. cashinonyou/malpha

We know value when we see it and in our
industry personal branding is a must to
understand and implement.  Who better to
teach you than Katie Freiling herself.

We don't promote  too many top industry
leaders, but when it comes to someone like
the princess of personal branding, Katie
Freiling, we don't hesistate at all.

You can see what I'm talking about by
clicking the link to Katie's course here:

https://katiefreiling. cashinonyou/malpha

Once you purchase, shoot an email over to Michelle

telling here "I'm in, shoot me the bonuses" and she
 will get those bonuses squared away for you
asap!! michelle@onlinewealthpartner. com
We greatly appreciate your help,
Eric Wilkes and Michelle Pescosolido

PS - if you have been under a rock or on vacation

and missed what Cash In On is all about here are the
details below.....


Katie Freiling's genius CASH IN ON YOU

Personal Branding Formula is here!

https://katiefreiling. cashinonyou/malpha

Katie is going to give you a complete

breakdown of the CASH IN ON YOU
System... and how you can get step-
by-step coaching to build your own
6-figure personal brand online around
your passions and strengths!

If you're an entrepreneur who is looking to

create reliable, long-term wealth online,
while doing what you love, and making
a difference... being fulfilled from the inside

This is exactly what you need to get there.

And Katie's approach is very unique... She'll

help you access your core power and potential
from within... so that you become a master
at manifesting the results you want in your

And then walk you, step-by-step through

her proven process of developing your
personal brand...

From discovering your passions and choosing

a niche... to developing your social list building
and traffic system... to creating your own info
products and services... to marketing and
promoting them authentically and powerfully.

This TRULY is the inner and outer foundation

you need for long-term success as an internet

So again, here's the link to check out the

CASH IN ON YOU Personal Branding System:

https://katiefreiling. cashinonyou/malpha

I'm so excited for you to see these videos!


To Your Success,

Michelle Alpha Pescosolido
Eric Wilkes

P.S.  Don't procrastinate on this... Click the

link below and watch the videos now... because
they won't be live for much longer!  You don't
want to miss out on this, trust me!

https://katiefreiling. cashinonyou/malpha