How to close more sales

Published: Sun, 08/21/11

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
As you read this, I'm off on a deer hunting
adventure and have been since Friday just
before I wrote this email.
I felt it was really important that I got this
information to you about closing more
prospects into your business. You can
check it out now at the link below >>
I wanted to give you a very basic understanding
of the closing process so you can be better
prepared when talking to your prospects.
I think you'll truly appreciate the value in this
video because closing is not selling, it's about
guiding your prospects down a path and 
helping them acquire something they've already
expressed an interest in.
I dive into more detail in my Definition of Closing
video. Enjoy!
Talk soon,
Eric Wilkes
PS - if you were under a rock last week and missed
my time sensitive email with mega-huge value, see
Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
Short and I'm delivering some
HUGE value to you, it's insanely ridiculous.
(I don't know if that makes sense).
I'm giving away my top secret SEO Blogging
formula for F*R*E*E, I don't even know why!
But you can grab it right now by clicking the link
There's easily a $197 value here for this kind
of knowledge and to be honest I'm sick that
I'm giving it away so grab it now before I take
it down as I inevitably am going to do...
Inside you'll learn as I show you on video
- My secret keyword research formula
- My secret SEO formula 
- Ideal blog post length
- Ideal Keyword density
- Tried, tested and proven RESULTS
If you follow this formula you'll instantly give
yourself the best potential for maximum
exposure for your BLOG. I've been quietly
testing this for about 45 days. There's no BS,
check it out for yourself.
Stay tuned for my secret ranking weapon
that works OVERNIGHT!
Yours in Success,
~Eric Wilkes
PS - If you're looking to create an internet
lifestyle, you can FINALLY learn how to do
so in a step-by-step, hold-you-by-the-hand
fashion with this tried, tested and proven
success system unlike anything you've ever
At last, you no longer have to flounder
around wondering what to do or where to
start, we literally grab you by the trousers
and show you on video how to build a
business from scratch starting from the
ground up! Click here to learn more...