A quick life lesson from this weekend!

Published: Tue, 07/19/11

So I was out at the river this past weekend
with some friends having a good time. After
a few drinks and a little horseplay, I managed
to lose my $400 pair of sunglasses! I know right?
I felt like I was better off wadding up 400
one-dollar bills and setting them on fire. At that
moment, I had 2 options:
A) let it ruin my weekend and be pi$$ed that I lost
an expensive pair of designer sunglasses or
B) Laugh about it and have another brew with
my friends.
To me there's more to life than losing an expensive
pair of sunglasses. My friends even offered to chip
in and help pay for them, but I respectfully declined.
I should've never even been wearing them in the first
placing knowing there was a chance that if they fell
off it would be near impossible to find them with the
swift current. 
The cool part is that there was a great life lesson
for me, and all my friends when they saw how I
reacted and just laughed about it (although I did
walk away for a min to process what happened,
after all, It took about 3 months of time invested
to find the perfect pair of sunglasses so I was 
more emotionally attached to them than anything!
Back to the story, one of my friends thought I was
NUTS not to take the cash, I simply replied "I'm not
that worried about it!"...You see, the monetary value
is nominal considering the time, effort and energy I
put in to actually finding that specific pair of sunglasses
so I wasn't even worried about the cost. He couldn't 
believe it! (Then I showed him some of my commissions
and he told me I should've bought the beers for everyone
for the entire weekend! haha)
The point to this story is: If you're sick and tired, broke
and busted, or just plain pi$$ed about where you are
right now, you have to learn to LET GO! I know, it's
tough, especially if you're emotionally beat down. If
I hadn't LET GO of those sunglasses right then and
there, I'd probably still be combing the river trying to
find them! Besides, they're replaceable in the first 
Everything you've ever wanted, ever dreamed of is
awaiting you and you DESERVE to have it. But you
must first learn to let go of everything that's currently
negative in your life. Forget all the crap, the pile of
bills, the bad relationships, your view of money (or
guilt of making it) or any other problems you
might be having. NONE of it matters! LET IT GO!
Cut the cord and move on with your life. Make a
decision to go a different route, against the status
quo. There is a better life out there, you just have
to want it and be willing to work hard for it.
I truly hope that you'll make that decision sooner
rather than later, life is just far too short not to
act upon your dreams today! 
If I can help you achieve your dreams and ramp
up your life, feel free to call me at 480.442.4380.
I'd love nothing more than to connect with you
and help guide you on your journey! You'll
quickly find that I'm a real person, with real struggles
and lots of wisdom and stories too. If I don't 
answer, leave a message and I will call you back
as soon as possible.
I greatly look forward to hearing from you.
Eric Wilkes
PS - If you haven't bought the info-marketing
blueprint yet, it officially goes off the market
FOR GOOD this Thursday. I HIGHLY
recommend you grab a copy of it right away

> http://www.BuyInfoNow.com
PPS - If you've been hiding with the caveman
and don't know what's going on, see my email
from yesterday below...
Subject: We've Lost Our Marbles!

I'm sitting on a balcony overlooking the boats
as they launch into the lake its very relaxing!
Getting ready to head back tomorrow but have
been in discussion with my partners in the launch of
The Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint which
I think you're really going to like.  

In fact, Adam has pulled something out of
his secret stash for you that's .... well... I'll tell you
about that in just minute...

First, I want to explain what happened with
the initial launch to put any concerns to bed about
the product or the delivery platform.

The product is tremendous.  This is testimony to
those who know the value Mark Hoverson brings
to the marketplace and the industry as well as
proves that this is exactly what people are looking
People are wanting to know how to create info
products that will set their network marketing
Businesses on fire and floods of income streams
into funding their dreams....and Mark delivers, 1000%.

Well, nobody expected this to be the biggest online
product launch in the history of network marketing
and when the cart opened, it literally crashed the servers.

I mean crashed, crashed.  Magnetic Sponsoring's
platform just wasn't prepared to handle 20 thousand
hits a second.
As a result, people couldn't put their orders in and
Magnetic then had to shut the site down for techs to get
in and add servers (think of it as adding more checkout
stands at Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve).
With that happening, of course, those who already
bought were unable to login and watch module 1.
Geeze... but as entrepreneurs, we look for opportunities,
not problems.  And here's the good news.
The offering of this product has been extended
1 day to make up for the lag but this is just the
beginning of good news as a result of this "stuff

Testimonies are coming in like crazy.. the product
is totally helping entrepreneurs get on their feet,
find their value, and there's over 1400 people right
now going through module 1 and creating their first

So back to my conversation with my team (Michelle,
Adam and Debbie)...
With all the stuff happening with the Magnetic Sponsoring
site, we wanted to do what we could and do our part to
take a negative situation and turn it into a fantastic opportunity.

And we appreciate you and your support of us and for
being entrepreneur about the whole thing.  Patience,
problem seeking, calm in the storm, the works.

So.... we decided to do 3 things for you.  Ready?
Debbie recorded a video of the awesome news for you....


I know you're going to love it :)

Here's what we are doing for you.
1)   Because of all the troubles with ordering
and the crashing of Magnetic Sponsoring's
back office, many people were confused about
ordering and upset because they missed bonuses
our team had to offer, etc.  

We are going to put everyone's name in a drawing
for the top 3 bonuses... which is a private mastermind
and strategizing session and create a gameplan for you
to take your business to 6 figures, Michelle's Facebook
PPC course and Adam's PPV course.

One person's name will be drawn and will
join our top 5 winners to enjoy these elite bonuses.

2)  Everyone Wins This One!  Check this Out!
Everyone who's bought already through our affiliate
link and those who will be buying before the launch
ends (again, through our link), will get ALL of our bonuses
that the first 50 buyers get.  So basically, we are doing
away with the first 50 buyers bonuses and everyone
gets them.  

Here's the bonuses you receive when you purchase
this our link:  http://www.BuyInfoNow.com
Don't be confused... BuyInfoNow.com is a domain
we bought and have forwarded our affiliate link to
it.  You can use that or what we've been sending,

Either way, it goes to the right place :)

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for
"referrer ID".  You will know you're on the right
page if the referrer ID is 1579233.  This is our
affiliate link.  It's a check and balance to make
sure you're buying through the link you intend.
I actually take you by the hand and show you ihe
video I made.  I show you exactly where to look
and confirm the number with you.  You can't get
> BONUS #1
You will receive Michelle Alpha and Eric Wilkes'
Launch Domination Blueprint ($97 value) This is
the EXACT blueprint we have been using to hit the top
of the leader boards in launches like this. You will be
on a live webinar with us as we go step by step, showing
you exactly how to set up a profitable launch and how
you can beat the competition hands down.

> BONUS #2
You will receive Debbie Turner's Overwhelmed To
Productive 7 Module, plus bonus, course.  ($197).
This course is based on a survey taken of network marketers and identifies the top 5 areas of overwhelm, to wit:  Time Management, Automation, Creating Capture Pages, Understanding How to Connect the Dots from one element of marketing to the other and understanding what you really need in terms of resources.  There's also a bonus section called, "How'd You Do That?" and covers all
 the small stuff that keep new marketers stumped.

> BONUS #3
You will receive Adam Holland's SEO Domination course
(value $497). SEO is hot right now and in this step by step course, Adam will be showing you how to use SEO to rank on the first page of Google.  I hope you know WHY you would want to know this!

> BONUS #4
You will receive a 3 month membership to  eWealthmasters. (Value $127) This is a coaching club created by Michelle Alpha and Eric Wilkes where you will learn exact strategies Michelle and Eric use to build their 6 & 7 figure business.  Some examples of what you will find in the coaching club are: Getting started online,
Prospecting, Closing, Facebook Marketing, Twitter, YouTube Marketing, How to build a website, How to build a wordpress blog, tons of Marketing strategies, Closing and Prospecting Scripts, Weekly scheduled webinars for members only, and much much more.....

> BONUS #5
You will receive Debbie Turner's Recorded Webinar "7 KillerRookie Mistakes" (value $47). After coaching students for Jonathan Budd and Mark Hoverson, Debbie found common, recurring issues and
mistakes that plagued 98% of all network marketers.  You must avoid these mistakes at all cost. Workbook included.

> Bonus #6
Exclusive private access for one year to the Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint Mastermind group (value $497).
You will have access to other members who are going through the Irresistible Info Marketing course and our team so we can ensure you have all your questions answered.  There will also be plenty of  masterminding going on and since we are so close to Mark Hoverson,
you just might see him pop in from time to time.

> Bonus #7
You will be entered into a drawing  once the doors close
for a chance to win, among our buyers, an iPad 2 (value $499)
#3)  THIS is where Adam lost his marbles.  We were
talking back and forth and he comes clean about a
file he's been secretly stashing on his computer.
He says this:

"Hey guys, I want to throw in something that
 NO ONE DARES to give away."

 "The Best  & Worst of My Sales Video Swipe File"

"In order to study sales copy better I used to go on to
sales pages, print them out, read them, write them out,
read them again, etc.."

"The problem w/ VIDEO sales letters is, it's kinda tough
to do that and I have!"

"After being online for about 3 years now I've seen some
AMAZING sales letters, and I've also seen some steaming
piles of cow dung.  Well, I've got a folder on my computer
chalk full of the best and worst sales videos of what I've
found online."

"I'll put them on the bonuses site so everyone can study them!"


Man oh man, this is good stuff for you my friend.
You can thank Magnetic Sponsoring for crashing
and delaying the availability of your product by a
day because that's led to Adam giving you this.

Be sure and thank him!

> Action Step 1:
Watch the video I made explaining what our
team is offering you when you purchase through
our link.

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwc-6rOzctQ

> Action Step 2:
Review the Info Marketing Blueprint Product
and purchase at this link below:
> http://www.BuyInfoNow.com
Have a blessed Sunday and I'm going to hop
in the boat and relax for awhile.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Eric Wilkes
Team Blog

PS:  As you know, our little underdog team has
been doing our darnedest to maintain our 3rd position
in the affiliate contest. And thanks to many of you,
we've been able to do that but today, we are only
ahead by a few sales.

If you know anyone who is planning on purchasing the
course, please refer them to us unless of course you're
marketing it yourself then you want to send people to
your own link.

What a challenge to go up against the biggest names in
the industry with hundreds of thousands on their list...
and here we are, the little guys holding our own... by our fingernails!  
So we are asking for your gracious referrals to others
who you know are planning to buy.  Please send them to
our link here:

> http://www.BuyInfoNow.com


And a reminder... our charities thank you too.