a mind bending adventure hangin with 10+ millionaire's

Published: Mon, 08/15/11

Yo from Eric.

So I had the utmost pleasure to hang out with
50+ entrepreneurs on a house boat this past
weekend at least 10 of which were millionaire's!

With more than 200lbs of ice and 750 alcoholic
beverages onboard, needless to say it was a
mind bending adventure... let the networking
begin! Haha

Outside of all the boozing, cruising, jet skiing
and having an all around kick ass time some
serious relationships were being built and
ideas were flowing like a mighty river into a
golden Delta where at the end lies a golden
database filled with tons of golden nuggets.
(<< that line was pretty sweet I made it up
all by myself)

I almost feel like a new man after hanging with
everyone and realizing they were all regular
people just like you and I. The best part is that
I know the residual and profound effect a weekend
like this had on everyone who attended including
myself will make us all more money ten fold.

The biggest thing I walked away with was to be
yourself and never forget who you are or where
you came from. Your story is part of your journey
you just have to keep going. Every single one of
the millionaires had a story and rhe common
denominator was that they all started with being

The point us YOU can do this and you will if
you make the decision to take action and align
yourself with the right people. And the
beauty of all this is that it isn't even about
being rich, its about being free. Free from
having a boss, free to hang out with your
kids whenever you want, free from this
shitty economic BS, free to do what you
want when you want.

Is it a struggle to get there? Hell yes, but
is it worth it? An even bigger HELL YES! Its
10xs better to struggle your way than someone
else's, its 10xs better to struggle building your
dream versus building someone else's. You have
the power and the choice to change your life
you just have to stop messing around and act on it.
Take matters into your own hands and take what is
rightfully yours. You deserve a better life so go get it.

And hey if I can help you along the way let me know.
Pick up the phone and gimme a call direct at 480.442.4380
if I don't answer leave me a message and let me know
how I can best serve you! I'm here for you! Or if you'd
prefer simply click "reply" on this email and let me know
what I can do for you!

I look forward to hearing from you!

To your success,
Eric Wilkes

PS - I'm making myself personally available at your
disposal feel free to click "reply" or call me direct
at 480.442.4380 and let me know how I Can help
you formulate a gameplan to be successful in
your business.