the napkin plan << from a guy worth $10+ million

Published: Wed, 09/07/11

Greeting from Eric Wilkes.
It's 9a.m. as I write the message which is
EARLY for me, I usually don't even wake
up before then but I've been super busy
working on a couple of projects and I'm
so excited about them I can't sleep more
than 6 hours. It's a good thing because
who needs sleep when you're this
excited and passionate about something.
My attitude is that I can sleep when I'm
dead but until then I've got BIG goals to
I want to share a story with you that I think
is pretty cool and I'm sure you'll get some
value out of it. Early on in my entrepreneurial
career I was very fortunate to be connected
with a super successful gentleman named
Sherm Henderson, worth well over $10+Mil.
Sherm was super successful in the telecom
industry and I knew I could learn a lot from
him and his ventures.
One night I was lucky enough with a few other
people to sit down with Sherm over dinner. I
was by far the youngest person at the table,
22 at the time and he looked at me and said
I admire you young guys, you're the future
leaders of the technology age. I was floored
he even spoke to me but I politely replied thank
you, I still have a lot to learn. During our
conversation he asked my business plan. I started
to think and realized I didn't really have one.
Sherm smiled and said, "you should be able
to draw out your business plan on a napkin,
if you can't fit it on a napkin, you're thinking
too hard." At the time I was completely lost
but after looking around the table, so was
everyone else so I didn't feel so uncomfortable.
Fast forward a few years and I now know
exactly what he meant. In business there
really are only a few things that are required:
1. An internet connection
2. The ability to talk to people
3. A telephone
Looking back, I could totally whip up my
entire business model on a napkin. It 
made me realize how simple our business
really is, but most people over think it and
make it seem so hard.
Honestly it's such a sloppy game, it's not
even funny. The reality is that if you just
swing the bat, worry about hitting the ball
later. Keep whiffing the air and sooner or
later you're bound to connect with the ball
but if you're not swinging you have no chance.
Bottom line, if you can't put it on a napkin,
you're complicating it and making it way
too hard. Understanding the basics is the 
very foundation of your success, start there.
If you're still having trouble, click "reply"
on this email right now, and say "Eric,
help me design my napkin plan" and
I will gladly connect with you personally
to get you on the right track. There's no
greater time in history to become a business
owner and begin building an asset for
you and your family. I'm here to help.
I look forward to your reply.
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes