Utilizing Horse-Blinders (A Practical Application)

Published: Thu, 09/08/11

You're almost there, hang tough, the
weekend is right around the corner!
So what is this Horse-Blinders thing
I'm talkin about? Well is starts with
a mastermind session I was having
with my newest teammate to join the
"Fire Your Boss" club, Bill P. and we
were discussing how to get his business
off the ground with raging rapids but
he was stuck on a few things.
During the conversation he mentioned
he was getting distracted by so many
different trainings and opportunities he
felt like he needed horse blinders. And
little did he know, not only was he right
for himself but for everyone.
You see to often do we get distracted by
life, by a million different opportunities,
an info-product launch that's happening
every other week, etc and often we get
lost in the mix and forget to move
ourselves forward. 
You really do have to put Horse-Blinders
on (not literally of course unless you just
feel like it! haha) to force yourself to have
tunnel vision so you can't see ANYTHING
but the top of success mountain. This will
force you to FOCUS on the only things that
matter to move you, your life, and your business
forward. Put EVERYTHING else aside and
run til your done.
Look up and back once in a while and pull
others along with you that want to move in
the same direction as you and you'll make
a difference not only in your life, but the lives
as others. My advice, put the horse-blinders
on and start running, the rest will come in
due time.
Have a great rest of your week!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes