"selling" is for suckers, here's why...

Published: Mon, 09/12/11

You don't like to be sold! No one does!
However, we ALL love to buy things!
Have you ever heard the saying "You
can't push a rope!"???? But you can
PULL It! That's exactly how I look at
my business and how I market it.
You see, if you try to "PUSH" people into
your business, you're doing nothing but
convincing them they have a need, want
or desire for what you're offering. It's a
cheesy sales tactic and it's not fun.
On the other hand, if you try to "PULL"
people, it's the exact opposite because
it means they are approaching you, based
on a need want or desire that prospect
has already expressed by taking some sort
of action to get to you.
Doesn't this sound like a better way to build
your business? I promise you it's FAR less
frustrating. It's 10 times easier to build a 
business when you master the art and science
of having prospects who approach you based
upon a solution that you offer. It's called
SBM or Solution-Based-Marketing. With SBM
you don't have to convince your prospects of
anything, simply provide them a solution.
This is only part of the road-map you have laid
out for you on a silver platter inside "How To
Go From Rookie To Veteran In Record Time"
It's chalk-full of juicy ideas and proven business building
strategies you can put to use IMMEDIATELY.
Discover things like:
==>  How to literally remove the words "I'm not
        interested" from your prospects vocabulary.
==>  How to plug-in to already-proven strategies
        that actually work.
==>  The simple approach to making your first
        $1,000.00 monthly commission check - starting today.
It all starts right here.
And should you take action and then decide this isn't
for you, you can keep all the bonuses as a courtesy.
How's that for confidence?
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes