The biggest variable we control...

Published: Mon, 09/26/11

When it comes to building a business, the most
important variables that will determine whether
your business thrives....or flounders like a fish
out of water is your ability to make choices.
- How to prioritize your time.
- How to know what and when to delegate
certain tasks.
- What revenue creating activities are you
focusing on...
The list goes on and on, but the important thing
here is that success is a choice.  That's it.
It doesn't select who it's going to choose.
It's actually just the opposite.
To achieve it, there's no "secret code" there is
no special password...and you have the same
say as the guy or gal next to you.
It doesn't discriminate, but it does favor those
with a work hard mentality and those who make
the choice to make things happen and get things
If you've already made the choice that you're
going to be successful, I want to give you the
road-map to become a recruiting machine at a
steep discount.
Here's the link.
I'm only running this for 72 hours.
This is the same approach that I used to
personally add over 350 new reps into 
my network marketing business.
How would that change your life?
What would that do for your economic and
time freedom?
Being successful doesn't mean working 80+ hours
a week.  It does, however, mean that how you are
spending your time should be geared towards
focusing on the most important area of your
business - generating revenue.
For 72 hours (starting right now) I'm going to give
you access to the industry's leading home study
course for entrepreneurs, "How To Go From Rookie
To Veteran In Record Time"...
Now it's your time to save big and finally give
yourself the keys to breaking the cycle.
For $20.00 you can start using the same
information, the same strategies that have
built numerous 6 and 7 figure businesses
before you.
You can't even take a family of 4 out to McDonald's
these days for less than this.
If you're on the fence and thinking "Hmm...I'm not
sure if I believe this Eric guy or not...can I really
afford to gamble with $20.00..."
If that's your thought pattern, I want you to ask
yourself "What am I doing in my own business anyway?"
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes