Power of masterminds.

Published: Sun, 09/18/11

Greetings, Eric Wilkes here.
I hope you've hand a wonderful weekend
as you prepare to start a brand new week.
Lately I've been doing a lot of masterminding
with business partners, new teammates and
new friends. The power of them are simply
amazing, I was doing a mastermind with one
of my newest teammates Darren Spryut and
we were discussing his new caffeine product.
You can check out the interview I did with Darren
here >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tyu5e-LT818
People like him truly inspire me, he's young, full
of energy and VERY knowledgeable about our
industry, no wonder he's having fast success.
Bottom line, masterminds bring new ideas and
creative ways of doing things, you should totally
be masterminding with your teammates, fellow
marketers and even people outside of your 
company. It creates a fresh perspective on things
and we all know how quickly technology changes
so it's also a great way to keep up with what's
The common factors among all the masterminds
I've done recently have lead to 
#1 - activity which = $$$ in the bank
#2 - motivation to get going
#3 - inspiration = the long-term vision and goals
#4 - Breakthrough ideas and strategies that work!
Try it and see the results for yourself!
If I can mastermind with you, feel free to let me know
by simply clicking "reply" on this message, go ahead
and do that now! I will be anxiously awaiting your reply.
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes