My $88.67 tax bill...(a short story)

Published: Thu, 10/20/11

yo, it's Eric!
So I got a notice that my personal bank account
was being levied for an AZ state tax of $88.67
and that there was a mandatory 21 day hold on
all my accounts rendering them useless. I couldn't
even withdraw cash to pay the bill if I wanted to!
Thank goodness for having a business account!
haha. Long story short (I'll spare you the drama),
I fired my accountant, I was upset at first because
I didn't know where this came from, I thought it
was paid a LONG time ago, there was no warning
(or so I thought) it was just BAMB!, we're freezing
your accounts! (I didn't even know they could do
that!) Come to find out, the state of AZ was sending
notice to my old address and not to my new one
so I didn't find out until I got a notice from the bank!
Needless to say I got it taken care of but it just shows
that if you don't take ownership of your finances and
rely entirely on other people it could come back to
bite you in the ass like it did me. Take ownership of your
your finances, accept responsibility for where you're
at in your life and make the necessary adjustments
to move forward. It's your ability to adapt and laugh
about situations like this that will determine your
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
***PS: If you missed my email yesterday, I'm doing
a webinar tonight on how to create a furry of new
leads for your business at 8pm EST...
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