RE: Eliminate these 3 things...

Published: Wed, 10/05/11

If you missed yesterday's email, see
You're whole life, you've been told 3
things that have been embedded into
your brain from the the time you came
out of your mother's womb...until the
day you moved out...
- NO!
- Don't Talk To Strangers!
The day you moved out and were on your
own for the first time, what is that you do
almost every day?
Talk to strangers!, it's required as
we live our daily lives, think about
it, the cashier at the grocery store,
the bank teller, the post man, new
employees at your job/office, talking
to a new prospect, just to name a few.
Because we've been told not to
talk to strangers from the time we were
kids, along with NO, and STOP! it makes
it very difficult when you venture into the
realm of the unknown and could quite
possibly even hold you back.
Envision this with me for a moment, hold
your arms out directly in front of you at a
shoulders width apart, that's your little box,
or comfort zone. To your left you have failure
and to your right you have success, the reality
is that you must get outside of this grey area
in order to experience growth.
You can be safe and good the rest of your life
stuck inside your comfort zone or you can take
a chance and do something truly great. But you
MUST get outside this comfort zone.
In order to overcome your inner-demons, and I
know because I had to do this too, always spin
it around and make it positive. For instance,
when I first got started all my friends were against
me, including my own parents (they were the worst
because they're so traditional), and instead of
letting that drag me down, I used it as motivation. I
took on the attitude of "I'll SHOW YOU!" and made
it a positive.
I could've wept like a little baby, folded my tail between
my legs and tossed in the towl right then, only to sink
back down to their level. I didn't want that life! I chose
a different path, my own path. And as entrepreneurs
we're often the lone rangers of the bunch, but that's
ok, it's why we surround ourselves with like minded
people who's vision and goals align with our own. It
may require a temporary friend change or social group
change but in the end it's all worth it because you get
to keep all your old friends and make a bunch of new
You literally have to reprogram your brain! Have you
ever seen the movie "YES MAN!", it's a perfect example
of how a guy lives in his own comfort zone, tells himself,
NO, STOP, and don't talk to strangers! Until one day a
friend takes him to a "SECRET CLUB" where you have
to say YES! to everything. Now that's an extreme but
think about how life changing it is when you forget about
all your fears, everything you've learned, and going 
completely against the norm while creating your own path
and designing your own lifestyle.
Do you think you might change your life if you did
something like that? Of course! Otherwise you wouldn't
be able to experience breakthroughs in your life. All I'm
sayin is take a chance and do something great!
To your success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - it's midnight as I write this email and it's WAY long
but truly heart felt in it's entirety so I hope you get a TON
of value out of it! I feel like it's important that I get this to
you and share it.
PPS - if you're ready to design you're own lifestyle and
start truly reprogramming your brain to experience what
FREEDOM can be all about, I would encourage you to
fill out an application to work with me here >>
It's $20, and I don't accept everyone, but if you're 
committed and ready to get out of your comfort zone,
I would love to connect with you. If you're concerned
about $20, that's the wrong attitude and you can exit
this email now.
You see, I don't need your money but I certainly value
and appreciate you giving me the opportunity to change
your life for the better.
Oh, and its a way for me to weed out tire kickers (people
who aren't serious) so I can ensure that I'm only working 
with quality individuals who are truly committed to
their success. And as a token of my appreciation, you'll
also receive more than 3 jam-packed hours of training
videos from my friend and business partner Adam.
Click the link, watch the video, complete the application,
soak up the knowledge, and lets connect. I personally
look forward to working with you.