This is brutally unjust...

Published: Wed, 10/26/11

"How To Gain A Brutally Unjust Advantage Over The Entire Industry..."

If you want to see how an 8-figure earner creates "info products" that sell-out fast so that you can do the same in your biz then you are going to love this.

You see, I am totally "pumped" to promote the upcoming relaunch of Mark Hoverson's "Irresistible Info-Marketing Blueprint".  :-)

(By the way, it opens this Thursday, Oct 27th at 7pm EST!)
And I just got this email from him...instructing the
affiliates about the urgency of getting these details
to you right away. 
Here is an exact reprint of his emai:
(NOTE: notice how he explains the differences
and legit scarcity of this PLUS launch vs. the original
launch. It's amazing).

"Hey guys it's Mark. I'm jazzed to have your support
for all this stuff. Make sure the people on your list
know the info below:

Blueprint "PLUS" is focusing on intimacy,
and a WAY WAY WAY deeper impact on the
new round of students...

Here's why the impact will be so much deeper:

#1- In the original launch, we released the
epically powerful 7 modules. Students watched
them. Applied them. And loved it. Many leaders
in the industry have whispered to me, "Mark,
this is the very best stuff I've ever seen." And
newbies that have never made a penny, are
f-i-n-a-l-l-y seeing breakthroughs. (The course
can easily contend with any $1997 course online
right now...easily).

BUT---I had zero interaction with them during
the modules. None whatsoever. So if they had
further questions on implementation. Or wanted
to bounce ideas off me. It was impossible.

So #2- PLUS is adding 7 consecutive weeks
of high level private (and small webinars). Each
week, the new round of students will have
60-90 minutes of 8-figure Q & A with me. Lazer
on-the-spot coaching. Obviously, we can't have
2000 people on a webinar like that. It would lose
all intimacy.  So we have to limit the number of
new buyers on this relaunch.

#3- The level of interaction and intimacy the new
round of PLUS buyers will have with me is easily
worth a $997 course all by itself.

#4- But we didn't stop there with PLUS. We added
the ultimate PLUS factor. A high end, interactive,
pitch-free LIVE event workshop. This is NOT a
typical $297 pitch-fest with a zillion speakers
(those are actually great and I love them). But this
is one full day of mainly just me. These style of
events are usually $1K per day in our industry.

Again...obviously, because of the size of the meeting
room at the hotel, we HAVE to limit the number of new buyers
on this relaunch.

#5- We are going to change people's lives in major
ways through this Blueprint PLUS project. It is infinitely
more powerful than the original Blueprint launch.

We had almost 2500 new buyers on the original blueprint.

How many will be allowed into PLUS?

Less than 500. Less than 400.

Because of space limitations and to gaurantee
the intimacy factor,
we will only open 350 spots total.
And I have a sneaky suspicion those spots will
fill fast. Very fast.

So make sure you tell everyone on your list about this
life-changing PLUS relaunch. I personally gaurantee anyone
who is part of the 350 people will have an amazing, unfair,
wickedly wonderful advantage over the rest of the industry."

Here's the link to get more information:

Eric Wilkes

ps...I'm excited for the 350 people who get inside
this PLUS project. It will be life-changing indeed.