Create a furry of new leads?

Published: Wed, 10/19/11

Hey from Eric in hot sunny Arizona!
This Thursday Oct 20, at 9pm EST I'm going
to be revealing the lazy man's way to creating
a FURRY of new leads for your business.
Register here >>
I got sick of all the hype, google advertising this,
facebook advertising that...while those still work
I'm going to show you an even faster (and possibly
more economical) way to rapidly building a list.
While I'm still in the testing phase, I want to share
with you some results and walk you step-by-step
to how I generated 157 leads in just under 24 hrs!
And it's much easier than you might think...
Find out in a jam-packed 1 hr interactive webinar
this Thurs at 9pm EST, come prepared to ask 
lots of questions.
Here's the link >>
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes