staying in the loop + webinar 2nite

Published: Thu, 10/20/11

Hope you've had a great start to your week
you're over the hump and it's almost the weekend!
I know I plan on relaxing this weekend and doing
some camping so I can scout out some deer for
the start of the season next weekend.
I love this time of year in AZ, you can get out and
enjoy the great outdoors, forget about everything,
completely disconnect, no phone, no internet, notta.
I would encourage you to take time out for yourself
regularly, I know it grounds me, keeps me cool, calm,
collected, and focused on my goals. And it will help
you move forward from your crazy work week if you
still have a J.O.B.
***Just a quick reminder...
This Thursday Oct 20, at 9pm EST I'm going
to be revealing the lazy man's way to creating
a FURRY of new leads for your business.
Register here >>
If you're like me, sick of all the hype, google advertising this,
facebook advertising that...
So tonight i'm going to reveal an even faster (and possibly
more economical) way to rapidly building a list.
Find out in a jam-packed 1 hr interactive webinar
this Thurs at 8pm EST, come prepared to ask 
lots of questions.
Here's the link >>
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes