Want a FREE 6-figure game plan?

Published: Tue, 11/15/11

Greeting from Eric Wilkes.
I hope you've had a great start to your week so far!
My weekend was absolutely nuts! I went camping
where in rained all night and all day on Sunday, I
ended up getting my car stuck in the mud and had
to wait 5 hours for a tow truck that was capable of
pulling me out! haha....it was quite an adventure!
See pictures by clicking here...
So you saw the subject line about a FREE 6-figure
game plan that's being given away. I'm super excited
because it's not very often I'm able to legally steal
some time from my mentor and coach. Tonight, starting
at 8pm EST, my business business partner and #1 mentor
is going to be revealing a 6-figure game plan and how to
create it a hurry!
Register here >> https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/497403498
He's going to map out how you can instantly create cash
flow for you business and lay the foundation to develop
a long-term business that will fuel the lifestyle of your
dreams. Don't miss out on a chance to hear him live and
ask him your own personal questions.
If you're committed to your current biz-op that's
totally cool, you might want to attend anyway to
pick up a golden nugget you can take back and
implement into your own business right away.
Attending live events like this are a great way to
pick-up some breakthrough ideas and slash your
learning curve dramatically.
If you're floundering around, and feel like you're
treading open water alone, come see how my
team and I rock and roll.
Go ahead and register right now, the action starts
at 8pm EST tonight, November 15th, 2011.

To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - I will be personally available for 30 minutes following
the webinar at 480.442.4380...should it happen to go to
voicemail, leave your name and phone number and I'll
call you back asap.