Myths of attraction marketing revealed

Published: Thu, 11/03/11

Have you ever read or watched the movie called
"The Secret"? Have you heard of this phoenomenon
called "Attraction Marketing"?
Well it's all BS and doesn't work the way it's
perceived by many. Let me explain:
You can't just sit there and think about what you want,
visualize it and then all of a sudden attract it into your life.
NO WAY! It just doesn't work like that, if it did there
would be a whole lot more RICH people in the world.
The reality is that you have bust your rear end, take
massive action and give it 110% every single day!
In order to "ATTRACT" everything you've ever wanted
in your life, you must first gravitate in the direction of
it, whatever it is. In other words, you have to take some
sort of action or it will never happen. What the movie
"The Secret" failed to mention is that there are a total
of 7 natural laws which includes the "Law of Attraction"
and without all the other laws working in conjunction 
together, it's not possible to get what you want.
I would happily explain all 7 laws to you, but it would be
far too long of an email for that and we'll save it for a 
later date.
However, regardless of how many natural laws there
are, it all starts with ACTION. You gotta get off your
duff, step up to the plate and take a few swings.
Over time, you will begin to connect and make contact,
as that begins to happen, guess what? Everything
you've ever dreamed of will slowly start being attracted
into your life and suddenly become a glorious reality
for you.
By taking action, you're already beginning to lay the
foundation for the single greatest asset any business
can ever have, MOMENTUM. You see, it's easier to
keep a business running than it is to get it going 
Momentum builds upon it sell and you'll become an
unstoppable force steam rolling yourself to the top.
Trust me when I say the grass is truly greener on
the other side. But this stuff gets DEEP, real DEEP
and I want to help you wade through it all. So if you're
still struggling to get there, STOP! It ends today!
Simply pick up your phone and give me a call at my
direct # 480.442.4380, it will likely go to voicemail.
Leave your name and phone number along with the
biggest struggle you're currently having and I will get
back to you asap. It's time to end your pain today!
I look forward to our conversation.
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes