ACTION REQUIRED: To work directly with millionaire.

Published: Thu, 12/01/11

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
That's right, have you ever wondered what it would
be like to team up with successful marketers and work
directly with them, including a millionaire? Do you think
you could benefit from someone who has been there
and done that? Someone who could point you in the
right direction and help you avoid the typical "rookie
If you answered an emphatic "YES!", keep reading...
The first step is to become a $10K+ per month earner. If
you're committed to FIRST becoming a $10K+ per month
earner, keep reading, if that's not YOU then go ahead and
close this email.
Last week I met my good friend and business partner
Mark Hoverson (the millionaire as you know) for
a cigar and a beer. We were talking about making 
money (of course) and he said, "Hey check this out,
I started using my whiteboard again and listing out
my top 10 prospects most likely to buy this week
and all of a sudden I popped a couple of sales."
My response was, "WHOA!, I'm doing the exact same
thing in a very similar fashion!" But I was really thinking,
"Great minds think alike!" because I also brought on a 
couple new partners.
What it really boils down to is ACTIVITY, it's what creates
money and when you put your money (aka prospects)
in front of you visually, and you write them down, it
causes you to take action. It sort of like attracting money
into your life.
If you've been following me for a while, you know that I
partnered with Mark in GRN. The value of our time to work
with you directly is worth every penny.
If you are one of those people who are both serious and
committed to financial success we want to give you the
opportunity to work directly with us.
There is a catch though, it's a 2 week window of opportunity
from today. Starting DEC 15th we are increasing the cost
to work with us by $2K,  however you can still take advantage
while the price is less than a cheap used car! 
If you're truly happy with your current business, I understand,
but if you're wandering around lost in the desert, keep reading.
If you want to leverage a vehicle with a great product and payplan,
work directly with a millionaire and a team of other successful
marketers to build yourself a dream lifestyle of time freedom and
financial power...then you must ACT quickly before the price hike!
Pick up the phone and call me directly at 480.442.4380, it will
likely go to voicemail. Leave me with your name and phone number
along with why you feel you would be a great parnter to work with
myself and Mark directly. I will promptly return your call within 
60 minutes to develop a game plan for your dream lifestyle.

Let me ask you this...

What's the absolute worst-case scenario that could happen to you?

Well, you weren't happy (for whatever reason), you quit
following our coaching and you're no worse off than you
are right now.

What's the best thing that could happen to you?

Well...everything I discussed earlier about became a reality
for you. You began living a dream lifestyle that you thought
possible. Everything in your life you've ever wanted finally
became a reality. That new house...the boat, the new car in
the driveway.

What's more important to you?

Statistically, if you do nothing today, failure (or lack of success)
is a very high probability.By taking action and moving in the
right direction, and making it happen, you're already
accomplishing one of the biggest assets your business can
ever obtain - MOMENTUM .
I can promise you this. If you do nothing today and take no action,
the results that you've been experiencing in the past will continue
taking place going forward.
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize
how close they were to success when they gave up."
-Thomas Edison
Success requires action. Giving up, walking away and not taking
action is a surefire path to failure.
Pick up your phone and CALL ME AT 480.442.4380 to change your
life Starting TODAY! I look forward to your call.
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes