Don't sweat the small stuff...[a short story]

Published: Tue, 12/20/11

Never give up, always put up a good fight and
don't sweat the small stuff...or it will destroy you,
I was recently working with a teammate who shall
remain nameless for now, lets call him BOB for
kicks. Bob was excited about the thought of building
an online empire. He said "I've always wondered
how you were doing so well online Eric, and I'm 
pumped to learn from you so I can create leverage
in my life and get out of my current business!"
You see, Bob owns a traditional brick and mortar
business that requires him to be there 24/7, because
if he doesn't work, manage employees, take care of
the operations, maintain the existing customers, and
on top of ALL that grow the business (somehow)
he would go broke! Essentially he owns a J.O.B.
because instead of running his business, it's more
like his business runs HIM!
I told Bob, "The only thing you are missing my friend
is LEVERAGE", you see when you have a business that
incorporates leverage, all the things I just mentioned in
the previous paragraph are covered for you and your
business grows whether you work it or not. This gives
you FREEDOM to begin creating a LIFESTYLE so you
can do what you want when you want.
As frustrated as Bob was I knew it was simple solution.
I said "Bob, if you'll make a few sacrifices and committ
to a better life, we can make it happen in 6-12 months!"
Bob got EXCITED!, We put together a game plan and
he sprung into action immediately! I designed so it was
STEP-BY-STEP pretty much a PLUG-N-PLAY strategy,
it was almost effortless on his part to make things happen
but that's when things went CRAZY!
Bob decided to try things on his own and not follow
the PROVEN game plan we had came up with for him.
He decided to  VEER off the path, mind you it was a
clear and concise one at that. The I get that phone call,
you know the one where Bob said, "This doesn't work,
I'm not getting any leads or any sales, I'm just wasting
time and money." I politely replied, "Of course it doesn't
work, you're not following the path properly." So after
our conversation and a little soul searching, Bob was
excited again!
So he goes out and implements a strategy, pays for
a little marketing, but leaves out 1 simple instruction
with this particular strategy. Yep, you guess it! Bob
got SCAMMED out of his money! So now he's 
frustrated and calls me to say "Eric, I'm not convinced
of this stuff, I want a refund." I said, "GREAT! I understand
completely where you're at! But what else are you going
to do? Because if you go back to what you were previously
doing, obviously that wasn't working either and we both 
know it!"...At that point Bob replied "I really just want a
refund", so I politely said "Ok, no problem, for whatever
reason you're not cut out for this industry and I understand
that, it's not for everyone." And of course I sent him his
money back.
Here's the moral of the story...
There's A LOT of bumps in the road, this $H!T ain't easy,
and it's certainly not for everyone...but the little things
like the story above that really bothered this person
are truly preventing him from seeing the bigger picture
of what he could really accomplish. So if you're one of those
sissy's that like to B!T.@H, moan and complain, do yourself
a favor, scroll to the bottom of this email and click
UNSUBSCRIBE now...Let us part ways as friends and make
room for others who are serious and committed to their success.
You see, having people on my email list who aren't committed
and serious about their success actually costs me MORE money
to keep you on my list. So I have to ask you if you're both serious
and committed and if you are, GREAT! I sincerely look forward
to bringing you TONS of value throughout the course of my
career and getting to know you PERSONALLY! 
Again, don't sweat the small stuff, stand up, be a leader and take
matters into your own hands! Your success (or lack there of)
is based on the choices and decisions you've made in your life
up this point. Everything else is irreleveant and more than likely
an excuse when you get right down to it. 
WHEW!, that was a LONG email, thanks for hangin in there, if you've
read up until this point, it says that you are a true friend and I greatly
appreciate and value our relationship. I look forward to furthering that
relationship as we proceed into 2012! I can promise you this, it's going
to be a very prosperous year for ALL of us! I'm pumped and excited
to bring it on! now more than ever!
See YOU soon!

To Your Success,
Eric Wilkes