(premo webinar, don't pay!) - $3K showed up on my doorstep!

Published: Tue, 02/21/12

Hey there team!

We're testing out the much-anticipated,
highly-profitable "caffeine product webinars"
as recommended by my mentor, Mark
Hoverson.. (aka. "The Great One" ;-)
Mark has been profiting VERY well by
doing high-content, high-value webinars
for a low $37.
I'll be promoting this "premium webinar"
to my entire list tonight.
And what do you have to do?
Nothing.  Nada.  ZIP!
If you're a paid member of our team, you get
access to ALL of these webinars for FREE. :)
Here's YOUR link for tomorrow's webinar:
See below for details of the content in this jam-packed
informative webinar, but remember you get it FREE so
don't pay for it!
++++++++++++Webinar Details, DO NOT PAY!+++++++++++
Greetings,it's Eric Wilkes here and I'm finally getting
caught up after a week of masterminding and hanging
out with my business partners. I have a lot of good stuff
coming your way in this email but I want to share a quick
story with you...
So while my friend Adam was in Phoenix last week we were
chatting about our internet ventures, and during our
conversation we bursted out in laughter after discussing
something VERY profound.
We talked about how we both had engineering degrees...
that we've never used.
We talked about how while we'd been hanging out for the
entire week (rock climbing, hiking, and of course a marketing
event that we went to)...  we had still made "engineering
salaries" even though we worked VERY little for that entire
And the more we talked about it, the more we LAUGHED about
how crazy life would've been like if we had gotten"real jobs"
and worked for "the man." Then we thought, "People REALLY
need to know this stuff!"
** This whole "work from home in your pajamas" thing is actually
pretty simple.  It's just been over-complicated with new courses,
systems, and programs. After discussing how I had $3k come
out of no where this week and how Adam created 2 new marketing
campaigns that will increase his income another $60k this year...
We agreed.
We. MUST. Host. A. Webinar. On. This. Stuff!
So after twisting each other's arms and pulling teeth
(only kidding of course, but Adam did go to the dentist on
Monday), we both finally agreed to  co-host a very
transparent, cut-to-the-chase, revealing webinar for you.
Inside we'll share:

All of these mindset secrets and business-building strategies are going to be revealed in this exclusive 90 minute webinar for a one-time cost of only $97 $37!

Backed by a once-in-a-lifetime 7-day, MBG!

DISCLAIMER *** This isn't for the faint of heart and by no means are our results
guaranteed, but if you feel like you're sick and tired of floundering around with
your business and would like to put yourself in a position to have $3K appear
on your doorstep seemingly out of thin air, this is a must attend event.
There is a catch though, due to the HIGH demand for this type of transparency,
coaching and very revealing information there will be a small one-time cost of
$37 to attend. We want people who are serious, not just curious about becoming
a full-time business owner in the next 3-6 months.
Just ask yourself this question...
Do you think you could learn a thing or two from 2 different marketers both with
a unique style giving you 2 different perspectives on success both who have a
very high six-figure yearly income?
If you answered an emphatic YES! then what are you waiting for, get yourself
registered right away by clicking the link below!
If you're still unsure, let me ask you this...
What's the worst case scenario here? Honestly the worst case would be that
you spent $37, got NOTHING out of our webinar and you're no worse off than
you are right now.
Best case? You actually pick up a tiny bit of information that you implement
immediately into your business and begin to generate cash flow overnight if
you wish. You finally begin to see what it's like to generate cash on-demand
like clock-work and your return on investment for $37 pays for itself ten-fold.
Don't worry, you can thank us later.
So here's the deal, it's not very often you get 2 successful entrepreneurs
LIVE together in the same place at the same time where you can ask
all the questions you wish. Our time alone for this type of coaching and
training is worth WAY more than $37 so you have ZERO risk and everything
to gain.
So make the choice and decision to comitt to the growth of your business
by clicking the link below to get yourself registered for this webinar right away.
We look forward to seeing you there!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes