Getting back to basic fundamentals (often overlooked)

Published: Tue, 02/07/12

Wow!, 2012 is FLYING by already, here we are
1/4 of the way through February already. I hope
you're having as much fun as I am! It never ceases
to amaze how fast time flies when you're having the
time of your life.
I know this morning I was reflecting on 2011 and what
it meant to me and I realized something that was very
important, a key element to success in anything you do
in life. 
And it starts with getting back to the basics.
What is it? COMMUNICATION. You have to always be
"In The Game", on the forefront of everything so your
team, employees (if you made the mistake of having
them! haha), and business partners know exactly what's
going on. As you grow, they grow and so and so forth.
It's a WIN-WIN for all parties involved.
As I was reflecting on 2011, I realized I was a bit short
in this area, but I made that change effective today so
that you know exactly what's going on. What's working,
what's not working, how you can expand your business
faster than a cheetah on steroids, and bringing your
MORE communication than ever before.
By doing this, I hope to eliminate EVERY excuse in the book
for you not being successful, for you not being where you
want to be, for you not taking action when you know exactly
what you should be doing.
So that by the end of 2012, you are confident you're heading
in the right direction. You're able to stand on your own 2 feet
and grow a successful business regardless of the industry.
And your pain, struggles and losses come to a grinding halt
so that for the first time ever, you actually see a profit. 
There is a catch though...
You must keep an open mind, come ready and prepared to
learn, and be willing to follow. If that's you, I'd like to speak
with you personally to discuss your options on how we can
get your business on the right foot, instead of the wrong one.
Simply click "reply" right now and include your phone number.
I'll personally call you with 24-48 hours and we can discuss
a game plan for you.
Don't dilly-dally around, rev up your business, amp up your
energy and explode through the rest of's what I'm
doing, with or without you! I personally look forward to hearing
from you! Have a great week!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes