4 BIG takeways from the last 7 days...

Published: Tue, 02/14/12

Greetings, Eric Wilkes here.
I hope you're having a great start to the week.
I'm sitting here looking out my office window as
I write this email on a cold, cloudy, windy day
reflecting on what I've learned this past week
at the all the different events. We just don't have
days like this very often in Arizona it's an extreme
rarity in fact. We average 350+ days of sunshine,
so it's the absolute perfect day to relax and reflect
on everything I learned the past 7 days.
I think the best thing to do is to summarize each
event by giving you my biggest take away from each.
Takeaway #1 - At my teammate Michelle's private
team mastermind where we setup complete marketing
systems and helped about 15 people develop their
strategies to explode their biz over the course of
2012. It was here where I learned the true importance
of not just communication but TEAM communication.
This expands on the previous email I wrote about 
ramping up my personal communication, let me explain...
Some of our team felt like they were floating around
in outerspace (no offense if you are reading this
but some of them were). Part of it was due to the lack
of team communication. Understand that Michelle and
I are on the same team and we both have our strengths
and weaknesses. Where some of our teammates were
having trouble, Michelle and I should have communicated
which one of us would have been better to serve our
team and tackle the issue. This delegates the effort and
work on BOTH our parts and allows us to ensure all of
our team members are on the same page and thus increase
the output/productivity of each individual to further the
growth of our business and help our new teammates
get on their way to their first sale much faster.
On the other hand, communication is a two-way street
so our team knows now that we are available to help.
Bottom line, communication with your team and biz
partners will help everyone involved and keep us moving
in the forward direction.
Take away #2 - My biz partner Adam's first ever LIVE
event he put on himself. I can say I was impressed
(after all it's why I've partnered with him on a couple
of different ventures). Adam really knows his stuff
and has recognized a HUGE shift in the market place.
My biggest take away from this event was the fact
that there is MORE money made OFFLINE everyday
and that regardless of what business you're in, it's
all about the marketing to position yourself in front
of your target audience. Whether you make money,
break even or take a loss while doing your market
testing, you're guaranteed to learn something and
propel yourself one step closer to being profitable.
Take away #3 - Mark Hoverson's info-blueprint live
event. At this event, I learned a very unique way to
engage an audience. Mark had the entire room
divide up into groups and had each of them come
up with a product they were going to sell. Each person
had a limited time to come up with an offer then had
them vote to eliminate each other. At the end, those
who sat down voted for the winner of the best offer.
This was unique because not only did we hear
every single person's offer but everyone heard the
good and bad. I've never learned more from a
live event in my LIFE because I got to hear so many
different offers get critiqued by peers with all sorts
of different ideas that really got my personal creative
juices flowing.
I can't even begin to tell you how much money will be
brought into my life because of this event.
Take away #4 - Don't be a cheesy sales person. Be a
straight-up, stand-up marketer. I used to be one of those
rookies who put my unsubscribe link wayyyyy at the bottom
so people wouldn't see it. That's the difference between
and amateur and a pro, you see I want people to unsubscribe.
It costs more money to have people on my email list who either
don't read my emails to begin with or never buy. It's better to
cultivate a list of loyal subscribers like you who actually read
my stuff that way I can better server you.
WHEW! That's a lot and my head is spinning, Adam is staying
at my house tonight and we still have a TON of stuff to get done
with our new partnership, setting up marketing campaigns, websites,
keyword research, writing ads, testing autoresponders and all that
fun stuff you have to do when you start a new business. But I'm
pumped because our goal is to see how fast we can ramp up our
business from scratch, we'll keep you in tune with how things are
Speak more soon,
Eric Wilkes
PS - for a sneak peek at what Adam and I are up to, check
it out here >> http://7500permonth.net