Congrats, you earned $2,000!

Published: Thu, 03/15/12

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
I love getting emails with that in the subject
line! I get them pretty regularly and it's very
It's another great day to be alive! I hope
you're having a fantastic week so far! Me
personally, I'm about to go play a round of
golf this afternoon with a few business
partners, it should be fun! There's always
tons of business that is conducted on the
golf course, I've even found a few of my 
newest business partners that way so I'm
looking forward to it.
But if it wasn't for those $2K commissions and
a few leverage points in my business, I wouldn't
be able to take off and go play golf in the middle
of the afternoon on a Thursday.
So tonight my friend Brenda and I are co-hosting
a powerful webinar where we'll be sharing the
source of the REAL CASH for our business.
Tonight at 9pm EST, Learn how to generate $2K
and $7K commissions on demand, like clock-work.
Register now by clicking the link below:

Here's a short story on WHY you should attend.
Last August, 2011 I was invited to spend an entire
day on a very expensive boat with 50+ marketers.
Out of those, a whopping 10 of them earned over
$1 MILLION dollars per year, needless to say I
got to meet and get to know each one of them
personally. How cool?
But here's the juicy stuff. The common denominator
among all of them is that they each sell a high-ticket
product with BIG up front commissions. Much like we
do with our ability to earn the $2K commissions from
our travel product.
I understand the online marketing business and realize
lead costs are going up, the cost of doing business is
going up, but the cool part is that conversion rates are
staying the same.
I other words, you generate so many leads and a
percentage of them will buy from you. I've found that it's
the same percentage regardless of the cost of what you're
marketing. With the BIG up front commissions, you're able
to extract the largest possible profit while keeping the
expenses the same. You do the math on that one, which
side of the equation would you rather be on?
After hanging out with all those millionaires I quickly
understood the power of money. If people see the real
VALUE in something, they'll find a way to purchase it.
There's no such thing as not being able to afford something.
As human beings, we are resourceful and if we want it bad
enough we'll go out and get it.
So if any of this is making any sense to you, I would invite you
to attend tonight's webinar.
Especially if you want to learn how to keep your cost of doing
business the same while you extract more cash and bigger
profits, I HIGHLY suggest you make the arrangements to be there.
You won't be disappointed. 
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - I will be personally available following the webinar, you
can reach me direct at 480.273.7944, if I don't answer it means
I'm talking with someone else and I will call you back asap!