A short story (2min skim)

Published: Thu, 03/22/12

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
I hope you're having a great week and finishing
it out strong! I know I'm super pumped right now
because a lot of great things are finally coming
together that I've spent the last 3-4 months
working on.
Just a short email with a story for you today...
I started putting together a project timeline late
last night with ideas of what I would like to accomplish
by the end of this year. While it's far from complete,
it got me thinking very deeply about where I want
to be in the next few months.
It reminded me about setting goals and how important
they are, but I don't refer to them as goals like most
people. I call them targets, see most people think
goals are "dreams with deadlines", but what happens
when you don't hit that goal on time? Most people feel
disappointed in themselves and they give up or quit,
that's why I refer to them as targets because you're
aiming in the general direction of where you wanna go,
there's no deadline and as long as you're taking the action
required to move you in the right direction. There's no
pressure and it doesn't matter how long it takes you.
So go out there and set yourself some targets, write it
down then verbalize it with some of your business partners.
It's important that you do that. It's going to ultimately remind
you of WHY you're building your business and keep you
motivated for the long haul through the ups and downs.
That's never a bad thing!
Now get out there and make it happen! Have a great weekend!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes