tedious tasks...

Published: Wed, 03/28/12

No one likes them, they're not fun, they're time consuming
and require you to work...but sometimes you gotta bite the
bullet and make it happen.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a terrible procrastinator but
when it's time to work, it's time to WORK! Get it done and 
you'll feel better about yourself. I feel GREAT, I've spent
the last 5 days or so building out a new sales funnel,
putting together a MONSTEROUS advertising campaign
and preparing to ramp up my business drastically.
Yes it was tedious, but all that work will pay off in the end
as we track everything we're doing and continue to try
new things...TEST, TEST, TEST and test some more.
Sometimes it feels like you're working for little to no pay,
almost as if you're bleeding but then all of a sudden
BOOM! things change in an instant and you're off to the
races. I know I can feel it right now, just on the edge of
exploding and we won't be long, 60-90 days at most.
The goal? Add an additional $20K/month to my bottom
line, and I'm willing to do WHATEVER it takes to hit that
If you're a business owner, keep PUSHING, never quit,
and sooner or later you'll have that "AH-HA" breakthrough
moment. When it happens, take a deep breath and enjoy
the ride. I know I'm about to and anyone out there reading
this that wants to come with me. If you're willing to take
massive action and see results, click "reply" right now,
I'd like to share an exclusive, one-time opportunity with
you and a select few who are serious about creating a
multiple six-figure/year business that allows you live the life
you want to live. No gimmicks, No BS.
Make the commitment, sacrifice a few things and rock on
charging forward. 
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes