Redneck Adventures + Becoming An ELITE Marketer

Published: Wed, 05/16/12

I want to paint a vivid picture for you of my experience
this past weekend, so keep reading...
So I had the opportunity to do some camping this
past weekend in the beautiful mountains of Arizona.
The view of the beautiful pine tress across the
entire landscape was absolutely breath-taking from
the top of the Mogollon Rim. The fresh air from the
breeze felt amazing as it whirled across your body
and carried a wonderful pine smell, the sound of the
birds chirping brought music to my ears. It was a
cool 75 degrees during the day (MUCH better than
the Phoenix heat of 106 yesterday!) and a bone
chilling 40 degrees at night. If you've ever camped in
the mountains before you know what 40 degrees with
a breeze feels like! Needless to say I was glad I
brought my heater.
I did some hiking, shooting (there's nothing better
than having such raw power at your finger tips),
fishing and of course lots of beer drinking, hence
redneck adventures! haha
There was nothing but nature in the surround area,
it was a fantastic relaxing weekend and a great place
to recharge the batteries.
What do redneck adventures and becoming an elite
marketer have to do with your business anyway?
When you take time out and go completely off the grid,
I mean where there is absolutely no cell phone signal
it gives you time to clear your mind, think clearly and
relax. It gives you time to get organized inside your

It makes getting back in the groove a lot easier because
you have a clear mind and greater focus. If you haven't
taken a time out for yourself lately, I would highly suggest
you do so.
The ELITE marketers have a clear and concise vision
but even the best of the best need a timeout every
once in a while.
Which leads me to our webinar tonight at 9pm EST titled:
"How To Become An Elite Marketer".
Register now by clicking the link
My biz partner Adam is going to be showing you how to
become the best of the best. And most importantly how
you can do it lightening fast without having to jump through
a ton of hoops that usually cost you a ton of money.
You'll learn:
- How you can scale your business FAST
- What actions you can take right now to get going
- Who you should connect with to rocket launch your biz
- Where you can go right now to get started
- Why you should take a serious look at what we're doing
This will be a no hold's barred training webinar so be
sure you make the arrangements to get there! Come
prepared to ask LOTS of questions and participate!
Click below to register right now.
See you there,
Eric Wilkes
PS - I will be personally available for 20 minutes following
the webinar to answer any additional questions that you
may have. You can reach me direct at 480.273.7944.