My Top 3 NES3 TAKEAways

Published: Tue, 04/24/12

This past weekend in Las Vegas was nothing
short of amazing at the No Excuses 3 Summit.
I had a great time connecting with friends and
forging new relationships inside the internet
marketing industry.
Real quick I just want to share my top 3 biggest
takeaways from the event.
#1 - Follow-up is dead according to Anne Sieg.
The old days of following up are over, she says
you should instead, "Always be campaigning".
In her example she explained how the presidential
candidates don't ever follow-up with their voters.
Instead they are always campaigning and putting
themselves in front of their potential voters so that
way when they go to the polls, those voters
remember which presidential candidate had the
better campaign.
In business, our voters are our buyers. Each time
someone joins your team, buys your products, or
initiates a transaction with you it's like they're voting
for you. Think about it...
#2 - Appify everything! We are in the age of the APPS,
everything is going mobile these days thanks to smart
phones like the IPhone and Android. This is a MAJOR
trend in the internet world as APPs continue to emerge
and explode over the next few years. All I know is that
if you're not on board the APP wave, you're going to
miss it. That includes creating your own apps, selling,
apps, downloading apps, etc.
#3 - If it makes money, it makes money. White hat, black
hat, whatever hat. Don't be afraid to take RISKS. If you
make a few hundred GRAND along the way, you lost
nothing...but if you try to take the safe route and never
try at all, you've lost everything. Just get out there and
try, see what works and what doesn't then move on from
there. After all, there is NO EXCUSE!
Overall it was a great event and I look forward to going
again next year! I always learn a lot by listening to other
successful entrepreneurs and connecting with hundreds
of like-minded people. Hopefully you are doing the same.
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes