5 reasons to add a Premium-Pr iced affiliate offer into your biz

Published: Wed, 05/30/12

It's hard to believe it Wed already, having a holiday
to start the week has really confused me because I
never really slowed down! haha
Anyway, my friend Mark is conducting a very thought
provoking, business savvy webinar tonight at 9pm EST
and I wanted to be sure I shared it with you because I
believe you will find some TREMENDOUS value out
of it.
***Register here...Wed. May 30th at 8pm EST***
"Top 5 Reasons to Add a Premium-Priced Affiliate
Offer to Your Overall Online Biz Strategy"
Hope to see you there,
Eric Wilkes
PS - See below for Mark's email from this morning
regarding the details of tonight's webinar:
Subject: 5 reasons to add a Premium-Pr​iced affiliate offer into your biz

Greetings from Mark,

On Friday, the family & I embark back
to the motherland of North Dakota for the summer.

It's an annual road trip, we spend the winter
months in Arizona to escape the Dakota freeze.

And then we head back to the homeland
to escape the raging heat of Arizona during
the summer.

It's pretty dreamy...dream come true for me.

Which brings me to the subject of this email:
"5 reasons to add a Premium-Priced affiliate
offer into your online biz"

Tonight, I'm going to go in-depth on all 5 of the biggie
reasons to find a "back-end" affiliate product that has
the power to create windfall profits, but let me
go into a little detail on one reason in this email.

***Register here...Wed. May 30th at 8pm EST***
"Top 5 Reasons to Add a Premium-Priced Affiliate
Offer to Your Overall Online Biz Strategy"

#1- One of the most practical reasons to add a
premium-priced affiliate offer into your biz plan
is just because it provides you with instant gratification
when you score a high ticket commission.

Let me explain:

If there is a low-ticket affiliate launch that you
promote (like my $497 info-blueprint launch that
pays out $200 a sale)...and you promote that
like a banshee and make 8 sales. That's awesome.

You just whipped up $1600 from leveraging a product
that took me 4 years to figure out the strategies,
and another $70K in production of the videos and

And all you had to do was drive people to a capture
page and maybe a webinar or two. Sweet deal for
an extra $1600.

But now imagine that you have an ever-green high
ticket affiliate program that pays you $3250 on a
$4995 sale and you make a focused effort to launch it every
month to your list...and you make a whopping ONE sale.

What did you earn??? $3250 from one sale.

I like to call that "windfall" profits...that cover all
your advertising, pays for your info products you
purchase...plus all your hosting fees, monthly
online system fees, maybe even funds your trip
to an important LIVE event and whatnot.

The windfall of one sale pretty much heals you up
and gives you some jingle to make you feel like
you are really making awesome progress on your
path to the internet lifestyle.

Let's dig a little deeper...

I look at it this way:

I just popped one sale yesterday. It paid me
$3250. That $3250 pays for:

*the $800 of gas to get back to Dakota

*the $600 for a mini-uhaul trailer that we
use to bring home our bikes and other junk

*the $480 we spend on getting 2 nights of
dog-friendly hotel rooms for the way home
(we have 6 peeps plus Luther the golden
retriever, so we get 2 rooms each night
and we crash at a friend's house one
night on our 3rd night pilgrimage)

But wait...that sale pays for more:

*the $695 it costs me to ship back one Escalade
on a semi so we can just drive one vehicle and
make it more Grizwald-like.

But hey, we are only at a total trip cost
of $2095 right now...so let's keep rolling.

That one sale, that pays me $3250 even covers:

*the $695 in food we buy along the lovely
highways and byways of our great nation
(that's $75 per meal at 3 meals a day multiplied
by 3 days...yes feeding 6 peeps costs some

*it's little Gracie-girl's 7th birthday on Saturday,
and who knows what my wife bought her but
I'm sure it was at least $150...and we will unveil that
to her on the trip.

*another $300 because I will assume we will
get a flat tire on the way like we always do.

Okay, so even with all that stuff, I still have
$10 left over... ; )

My point? This ONE sale funds the whole
freaking trip plus a birthday present.

People often seem amazed that we can live
such a mobile and apparently expensive lifestyle...

But really? That whole trip costs ONE sale.

Which leads me to just ONE of FIVE compelling
reasons on why you must add a premium-priced
affiliate offer to your overall online strategy TODAY.

It will change your life.

Tune in tonight, Wed, May 30th at 8pm EST
as I reveal the other 4 huge reasons it will serve
you greatly to add an ever-green, powerful
premium-priced affiliate offer into your biz plans:

See you at showtime,
Mark Hoverson

ps...oh forget it...just register above and I'll tell
you some other really sweet info tonight about
how this stuff is really the secret sauce that will
boost your whole online strategy through the roof.