shaking up the industry [my 2min rant]...

Published: Thu, 06/28/12

If you haven't already been hit with this or inboxed
10 times like I have you will...So I'm cracking the
whip and shaking things up for the next 2 minutes.
There's a new program going around that claims they
are paying out "2500% in commissions", don't be
lured in by this outlandish marketing's crap!
And I'm apologizing in advance for the rant I'm about
to go on right now...but I feel very strongly that you 
need to hear it!
Too many people (mainly newbies, and it's not your
fault, I just want to make a point and hopefully you
learn from it so you know what to look for) are
sucked into the whole "Get Rich, Timing is everything,
you're the first one in, earn 2500% commissions and
find themselves in an endless cycle of going from
one thing to the next every 3-6 months...
Let me explain something...
All of those things are great but realize that YOU
and only  YOU are in control of your own destiny.
If you wish to create the lifestyle of your dreams,
it's your choice to do so and you can do it without
any of the above mentioned  "deemed" criteria.
It's completely ludacris to believe the only way
you can live the life of your dreams is by being
first or earning big commissions, etc...
Don't buy into the BS or Hype...
What the industry needs and what myself and
my current partners are living by is 100%
complete transparency within our business.
In other words, when we test something that
works, produces a profit and churns out money
like an automated ATM machine, we're going
to share it with you; in detail, step-by-step the
whole way...
We want you  to understand the sheer power
of hard work (YOURS), and where it can take
you in a short period of time. That way there
are ZERO discrepancies, only tried, tested,
and verifiable proof of how to grow a business
That way you are building a business asset
that is YOURS, something NO ONE can 
EVER take away from you. And if they did,
you would have the knowledge and skillset
to start over and do it again within a matter
of a couple of months.
2 quick things and I'm off my tirade...
#1 - To be successful, focus on YOU and only
you, be a little selfish if you have to, after all
it's for a chance at a better life not just for you
but for your family and all those surrounding
#2 - Learn how to market your business the
right way without the hype, false hope and
promises, and BS. Do it honestly and the
right way the first time so you don't have to
start over every 6 months chasing a new
Ok, I'm done, over and out...if I pi$$ed you off
because you're one of those people hopping
from one thing to the next GOOD! Your next
step is to scroll to the bottom of this email and
click unsubscribe. I call it like I see it and have
always been a straight shooter so do us both
a favor and get off my list!
To everyone else, thank you for being a valued
member of my list I greatly appreciate you!
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - If you're  ready to step up and build a REAL
business by partnering with REAL people so you
can experience REAL results, see our verifiable
proof when you click the link below: