1-on-1 mentorship +2 free nights stay?

Published: Tue, 08/14/12

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
I'm just coming off the golf course after meeting with
a friend on a new business venture we're putting the
finishing touches on and afterwards I got an email
from one of my mentors talking about his new
'conversion clinic' he has coming up.
It got me thinking, wow, my list could really get some
great value out of this because I know Mark writes
some of the most compelling, awe-inspiring, story-
telling  copywriting on the planet. Afterall, he has been
regarded as "One of the best direct-response
copywriters of all time." I know for me personally, I
wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for him. His
unique style and direct communication has put me in
a place that has allowed me to do things I never thought
And since he's been my mentor the past few years, I 
can honestly say he's became one of my good friends. I
even spent 4 days at his home in North Dakota where I
had the pleasure of meeting his entire family. It's not too
often you get to become close personal friends with one
of your mentors because they usually take your money,
give you what you paid for and then disappear, but not
Mark, he's totally different, that I promise you.
So here's the skinny:
I have ONE, yes ONLY ONE ticket so if you're even
remotely interested, click 'reply' right now and say
"YES, I'm HIGHLY Interested"...
August 23rd and 24th (I know it's short notice) my friend
and mentor Mark Hoverson is putting on a conversion
clinic, no it's not cheap, but the cost does include 2 nights
hotel at the Hyatt (which is super nice I might add), a 2
day conversion clinic where Mark will personally rip apart
your copywriting, sales-letter, etc and FORCE you to walk
away with a profit-pulling, cash-producing, sales machine
of a webinar, AND 30 minutes of 1-on-1 time with Mark
himself (worth the cost of the entire clinic alone!).
You can get the FULL details here:

Again, if you're even remotely serious about elevating your
game to the next level, you'll want to CASH in on this asap
so go ahead and click 'reply' right now and let me know,
be sure to include your phone number and I will call you
right away.
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - See below for Mark's email with the details about
his even from the weekend...

***Repost from this weekend***

Greetings from Mark Hoverson,

Imagine how your business would
change if you knew how to create
compelling, interesting, and action-inspiring
webinars that could sell virtually anything
you wanted?

How would it feel if you had a "breakthrough"
AHA! moment where you finally knew the how
to churn out these money-machines like candy?

Webinars are the Rolls Royce of persuading,
influencing, and bonding with your audience
right now. I've personally conducted over 875
webinars myself. I've earned many millions
by using a proven formula that never fails.

The #1 problem? Most people don't know the

The #2 problem? Most people have never
had a mentor work side-by-side with them
on creating a selling webinar...so when they
get stuck...they stop.

Well, for the first-time ever (and very very very
possibly the last time ever), I'm hosting a
unique "Conversion Clinic" near my home in
Phoenix, AZ.

On August 23-24 (Thursday & Friday), I am
going to be in a room with 10 people (maybe
12 peeps max)...and we are going to toil and
sweat and bleed together as you create &
re-create a perfect selling webinar for your
product/service/biz/etc. (Warning: a few months
ago I hosted a 12-person event that had a tuition
of $4995).

Originally, I was going to have it be a 20 person
event...but then I realized I wouldn't be able
to give enough individual attention if I had 20
peeps in a room...and the thought of 20 people
and individualized attention simply stressed me out.

But 10 will be a cinch. Here's how it will work:

Before the Hands-On Conversion Clinic:

#1- you MUST watch module 4 "Selling Webinar Blueprint"
inside my $497 "Info-Blueprint" course (if you do NOT have
that course, as a member of the conversion clinic, you will
receive it as a bonus). $497 Value.

#2- You must ATTEMPT to create a selling webinar
at least 15-20 minutes long.

#3- You will receive one 30-min 1-on-1 coaching session
privately with only you and I. In this online meeting, we will
go over your idea (or review your slides/vision) for your
selling webinar so you can get 100% CLEAR before the
event. $500 Value

At the Hands-On Conversion Clinic:

#1- Thurs (Aug 23)- 6pm-9pm- "Fast & Dirty Inter-Peer
Review of Homework" (while I zoom around the room
freaking out at everyone). You will arrive into PHX on Thursday
and we will start at 6pm.

#2- Friday (Aug 24)- 10am-5pm- "Churn out new &
improved copy, adding more persuasive elements, re-recording
and making your stuff infinitely better until it is a red-hot
converting machine. (Warning: be prepared to confront your
marketing demons, and I will cast them out).

***This is an absolutely non-passive event. It's an intense
and no-holds barred workshop. In fact, here is the pledge
the 10 members make before they come:

"YES MARK! I pledge to complete my pre-event assignment.
I will also have a competent laptop tested and ready to record
more at the event. I fully understand this is NOT a passive 'listen'
event, but it's an all-out MAXIMUM ACTION working event.
And when Mark spazzes out at me I will not take it personally
because I understand he demands I create the very highest
converting marketing humanely possible."

#3- Friday night, we will go out and celebrate with great
food, wine, drinks, cigars, and cheer-filled discussion on how
to grow as an entrepreneur.

This will be a high impact event.
You will emerge with a tangible webinar that you can use right away.
You will also have an intellectual breakthrough on how to create
these puppies over and over and over.
You will have my personal attention to lazer in on your needs,
and show you simple ways to overcome them.

So, what's the tuition?

Well, last time I hosted a 12-person event it was $4995.

This time, because it is super-short notice, I'm lowering
the tuition down to $2995.

But here is the cool thing:

3 spots are already paid for and taken (they heard about directly
from me).

1 more friend just texted me and said he's in for sure.

This leaves us 6 spots.

So, here is what I'm going to do (which is really sweet).

When we officially "open" this on Monday, at noon EST,
the first 3 fast action takers are going to get the ridiculously
low price of $1995 (or a 2-pay of $1100).

After those 3, the price stays at $2995 (or a 3-pay of $1100).

PLUS- for the very first 3...I will be PAYING FOR THEIR HOTEL

We will get the website whipped up this weekend, and
we will release this on Monday, Aug 13th.

If you want to make sure you are in line for one of the
first 3, email my assistant Irina now at getglobalhelp@gmail.com
with "I wanna be first 3" in the subject line. And in the email
include your name, why you want to come, and your phone
so she will reach out to you. (We cannot guarantee doing this will
get you first 3 status, but it will increase your odds).

More details later this weekend.