keeping u in the loop...

Published: Wed, 09/05/12

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
I hope this message finds you well as
we are coming back from a holiday
weekend! It's be WAYYYYY too long
since I last wrote you, I've sort of been
hiding under a rock, but in a good way.
I have several exciting things going on
in my life and business that I wanted to
take a few minutes to keep you in the 
loop so you're up to speed with what's
going on...
#1 - Over the last couple of months, I
dove head first into SEO and decided
I was going to tackle it and not look up
until I started seeing results/cash flow.
It's taken about 45 days but I'm finally
seeing of all, I've been
able to streamline the ENTIRE process
to triple my outcome with far less work.
I'm hoping in the next 7-10 days to even
automate the entire process to really
ramp up and unleash the raw power of
what SEO can actually do.
Here's a couple of sample niche markets
I'm going into...
- Travel
- Deer Hunting
- Dog training
- Weight loss
So far they're all looking GREAT!
#2 - I've also taken a part of my business
OFFLINE, yes, I said offline...I believe
there's more money to be made offline
right now versus online. It's a great debate,
but in a nutshell, here's why...
The online world is great, but right now
there's just too much noise. I had a
conversation with one of my mentors a
couple weeks ago and he even said "Online
is worth millions, but offline is BILLIONS!"
There's are TONS of hungry people out
other, more than you or I could ever imagine
speaking to over the course of a lifetime, but
they too are having a REALLY hard time
sorting through the clutter online. By taking
a business offline, you are able to solidfy
your business model much faster and make
it REAL for people on the spot, in their face.
And to me, it's a lot more fun, I enjoy speaking
in front of a crowd where I can see people's
reactions right then and there. 
#3 - Last but not least, I've been traveling,
getting ready for hunting season 2012 and
genuinely enjoying my free time. I just got
back from spending 4 days back home in
Indiana, and I leave for another 4 days to
Napa Valley, CA. I've personally never been
so I'm looking forward to the beautiful views,
some wine tasting, and a round of Golf
with some buddies from home. I feel very
fortunate and blessed to be in the position
that I'm in and to be able to lead the life that
I do.
Hopefully I've influenced you in way or another
to do GREAT things in your life and inspire the
lives of others. 
I'll be sharing exactly what I'm doing over the
next few weeks, so stay tuned for more
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes
PS - If you want to get a bird's eye view of
everything I'm doing ahead of time, you can
do so by clicking>> here , no more lies, no
more hype, no more BS. Just listen to what
my partner has to say and we'll show you
every step of the way! Go HERE NOW!