the 'real value' in true friendships...

Published: Tue, 09/11/12

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
I'm just returning from a 4 day trip
to beautiful Napa Valley, CA where
one of my good friends from home
was getting married. Aside from all
the drinking, partying, and whine
tasting I had the opportunity to really
reconnect with some old friends.
And it reminded of the REAL VALUE
in true friendships. It doesn't matter
how far apart you live, where your
life may take you, what new friends
you will make throughout your life,
or when you may reconnect with
those friends again. Why? Because
you're when you finally do reconnect
it's like you never a matter
of minutes you can reminisce on old
memories, catch up on new happenings
and quickly begin creating new
The real value is that true friendships
never end, you can always count on them
and know they will be there when you
need them through thick and thin, good
or bad.
It's how I operate my life, my business
every day...I want you to feel as though
I am a true friend. I want you to know
that I will be there for you anytime you
need me. I'm here to help and support
you though the thick and thin, good or
bad. Why? Because I value your
friendship and appreciate you giving me
the opportunity to touch and change your
life in one or another.
And I can confidently say that all my biz
friends would quickly vouch for that.
So I want to invite to a rare and unique
If you're still struggling and feel stuck
in a race car without an engine, I want
to hear from you. I want to work with
you and more importantly I want to show
you a way, a better way (with a little hard
work of course) to put yourself on a
fast track to living a better quality of life,
the way YOU design it!
All you have to do is pick up your phone
and call me directly at 480.442.4380,
it will go to voicemail, leave a message
- Your name
- Why you would like my help
- How you would value our new friendship
- And what you want to accomplish in 90 days
I will promptly return your call within 24 hours
to personally design a game plan for you and
your family that fits into your lives. I want hype
you up, fill you with false promises or false
hope...just give you raw, unfiltered, and uncut
truths to getting yourself on the right track.
If you don't see the value after 30 mins with me,
I'll personally pay you $100 cash out of my
pocket, and you keep what you learned for your
own personal use. No questions asked.
So pick up your phone right now, take the next
step and give me a call at 480.273.7944.
I personally look forward to hearing from you.
To YOUR success,
Eric Wilkes