Stupid Redneck Goes Full-Time Online, How U Can Too...

Published: Tue, 01/15/13

And trust me, if a hill billy, cigar smokin, beer
drinkin, deer hunting fanatic like me can make
a living online, you can too...
87 people are already registered for tonights
"4-Figure Commission Avalanche" webinar.

Screenshot Proof ==> DeWMHV7xRo

In this webinar my business partner, Adam Holland,
and I will be sharing how to JOLT yourself into
"Full Time Internet Marketer" status simply by
focusing on BIG, FAT 4-figure commissions.

** When you make a $10 commission, how many
sales do you need per WEEK to go FULL TIME?

** When you make a minimum of $1,000 per sale,
how many sales do you need per week to go

Same amount of sweat. A lot more moola.

Get registered for tonight's webinar here.

I'm also attaching the email I sent on Sunday in case
you didn't see it...

It'll give you some more details on WHY I haven't done
a webinar in a while... And why I've put aside time in
my busy schedule to train you on this NOW...

Here goes...
Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
I've been under the radar for quite some time...
But not without reason.
It's been a CRAZY past few months.
- I Formed a new business with a close friend
that did over $100K it's first MONTH.
- Did some underground PPC traffic through
Yahoo/BING that's generated 10's of THOUSANDs
of visitors that's now averaging as high as
2,000 clicks in a SINGLE DAY!
- And I've been working my rear off since then
to help others understand exactly what we're doing.
But before I get into details I want to invite you
to my first FREE webinar in over a YEAR!
Get registered here...
My business partner and I have put this together
and I want to share it with you because I've been
thinking about how to provide MORE value to
you as my subscriber.
Point being, I know it's a tough world we live in
and with the market the way it is, it's harder
now than ever just to get going. There's a
never-ending supply of information on the web
and it's so easy to get lost in it so I want to give
you a clear, concise path to follow on a platform
you can trust and believe in.
I know when I got started, I wasn't even online, I
just picked up the telephone and started
cold-calling people. That was HARD WORK! But
I wasn't scared and it paid off! Nowadays you
can't even get people to answer the phone, let
alone get a new rep to call people.
But the reality is, that was nothing more than a
form of generating leads, and because of it, over
time I became a person of knowledge and authority.
And in any industry knowledge is power and people
started to see that through my own successes &
failures I began to make it happen.
I'll be honest, it's much simpler than you think,
but it's not easy and definitely not for the faint
of heart.
Inside we're going to go over all the details on
how you can quickly and easily JOLT yourself
to "Full-Time Internet Marketer" status without
all the hype or typical BS. We'll get right to the
I'll show exactly how I've been able to average
5 figures per month for the last 4 years in a
row and how YOU CAN TOO!
This Tuesday at 9pm EST, make the arrangements
to get there.
Here's the registration link:
Hope to see you there,
Eric Wilkes