2 million eyeballs on your offer or website [traffic coop?]

Published: Tue, 05/28/13

Hi - it's Eric Wilkes and you're getting
this email because you subscribed to my
newsletter at some point over the last
4 years.

If your memory is a little fuzzy, here's
my facebook profile link if you want to
make sure I'm a REAL person ;)


Anyways, my business partner Adam
Holland had a random thought enter
his brain that I just HAD to share with you.

Thought from Adam...

"I've been generating a fulltime income
online now for over 4 years, and...

Despite what gurus and industry trainers
might say...

Traffic is actually getting EASIER to get.

Sure, if you used to promote bizops on
Google Adwords - chances are you got banned
and the ocean of traffic dried up.

But there's not any LESS people online even
though you just can't reach them using
Google right now...

(Although there are some "back door" ways
to do that, but that's another lesson for
another day. ;)


I'm able to get about 1 million banner
impressions per month right now.

(Go ahead, make the "Dr. Evil" faces with
your little pinky finger up to your lips...

1 meeeeeeellion... muahahahaha!)


Who the FARK wouldn't want to get
1 MILLION people in front of their offer,
website, affiliate link, and more!?

>> So, if I could get you 1 million views
to your ad within 60 days...

... would YOU be interested in that?

I've been reluctant to do traffic co-ops
for a while now, but it's something that's


Where can you send the traffic?

You can do WHATEVER you want with this traffic.
  • Send it to a high converting WSO
  • Send it to an affiliate offer
  • Send it to a squeeze page
  • Send it to a drip fed blog
  • Send it to your own products
  • Resell the space
I just want to know if there are enough people on
my list willing to invest in traffic.

Pricing will probably start at $125 and go up to $1500
depending on the type, size, and placement of the ad on
the page. "

Are you interested?

Reply to this email with the word "TRAFFIC" and I'll put you on the "updates list."

We're only going to do this if there's enough
people looking to get traffic.

So, if you REALLY want some eyeballs on your offer...

Now is NOT the time to sit on your hands.

Click "REPLY" and let me know you want to be kept
in the loop.

To YOUR Success,

Eric Wilkes

PS - YES, you can buy multiple ad spaces... but we WILL
limit how many as we want to give everyone a chance to
get access to this traffic.

Also, you might be wondering how many people will be
able to promote the same offer and/or bizop and/or affiliate
product.  The answer is TWO, and they must have different
banners AND landing pages... otherwise it's first come, first served.